首页> 外文会议>2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face amp; Gesture Recognition >Investigating Deep Neural Forests for Facial Expression Recognition

Investigating Deep Neural Forests for Facial Expression Recognition


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Facial Expression Recognition (FER) usually involves learning intermediate representations from high-dimensional, potentially noisy images, that can be adapted to unknown face morphologies. Moreover, it needs to fulfil the real-time constraint to be useful, e.g. for consumer robotics or healthcare systems. To tackle this issue, Random Forests (RFs) are convenient predictors, as the hard decisions at each node allow non-linear subdivisions of the space with a very fast evaluation runtime. However RFs are non-differenciable predictors, making it impossible to back-propagate the error down to upstream feature extraction layers (e.g. CNN). In this paper, we investigate the adaptation of deep Neural Forests (NFs) to FER. The latter allows to combine the best of the two worlds, i.e. a differentiable classification model that can be trained with backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent but has the runtime of a RF. We show that NFs provides competitive results for FER as compared to state-of-the-art approaches when trained upon various combinations of geometric/CNN-based features.
机译:面部表情识别(FER)通常涉及从高维,可能嘈杂的图像中学习中间表示,可以适应未知的面部形态。而且,它需要满足实时约束才有用,例如。用于消费机器人或医疗保健系统。为了解决这个问题,随机森林(RF)是方便的预测因子,因为每个节点的硬性决策都可以以非常快的评估运行时间对空间进行非线性细分。但是,RF是不可微的预测因子,因此无法将误差反向传播到上游特征提取层(例如CNN)。在本文中,我们研究了深层神经森林(NFs)对FER的适应性。后者允许结合两个世界的优点,即可以通过反向传播和随机梯度下降训练但具有RF运行时间的可区分分类模型。我们显示,与基于几何/ CNN的特征的各种组合进行训练的最新技术相比,NFs为FER提供了竞争性结果。



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