首页> 外文会议>2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face amp; Gesture Recognition >Accurate Facial Parts Localization and Deep Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition

Accurate Facial Parts Localization and Deep Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition


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Meaningful facial parts can convey key cues for both facial action unit detection and expression prediction. Textured 3D face scan can provide both detailed 3D geometric shape and 2D texture appearance cues of the face which are beneficial for Facial Expression Recognition (FER). However, accurate facial parts extraction as well as their fusion are challenging tasks. In this paper, a novel system for 3D FER is designed based on accurate facial parts extraction and deep feature fusion of facial parts. Experiments are conducted on the BU-3DFE database, demonstrating the effectiveness of combing different facial parts, texture and depth cues and reporting the state-of-the-art results in comparison with all existing methods under the same setting.
机译:有意义的面部部件可以传达用于面部动作单元检测和表情预测的关键提示。带纹理的3D面部扫描可以提供详细的3D几何形状和2D纹理外观提示,这对面部表情识别(FER)很有帮助。然而,准确的面部提取及其融合是一项艰巨的任务。在本文中,基于准确的面部部位提取和面部部位的深度特征融合,设计了一种新颖的3D FER系统。在BU-3DFE数据库上进行了实验,展示了与相同设置下所有现有方法相比,组合不同面部部位,纹理和深度提示的有效性,并报告了最新结果。



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