
Android Application for Monitoring Soil Moisture Using Raspberry Pi

机译:Android应用程序使用Raspberry Pi监测土壤水分

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The growing population causes increasing clean water demand. This leads to a crisis of water demand due to high water consumption. During the dry season, water availability becomes increasingly rare for crop needs. To obtain maximum crop production, the availability of water should be sufficient. Therefore, an application for Android was created to assist monitoring of soil moisture. This application obtains data from the sensor which is connected to Raspberry Pi 3. This data will be sent to the server and displayed on Android application. LED indicator is provided to notify the water supply for the plants. The final result of this research is a system application development where a sensor with analog data can be converted into percentages and displayed in the Android application. From this percentage, users can set the indicator for the sensor to turn on the LED. Users can also view graphs from percentage data, manage plant data for the database, and set the application configuration.
机译:人口的增长导致清洁水需求的增加。由于高耗水量,这导致了需水危机。在干旱季节,因作物需要而变得越来越稀有的水。为了获得最大的农作物产量,可用的水应足够。因此,创建了一个Android应用程序来辅助监测土壤湿度。该应用程序从连接到Raspberry Pi 3的传感器获取数据。该数据将发送到服务器并显示在Android应用程序上。提供LED指示灯来通知工厂的供水。这项研究的最终结果是系统应用程序开发,其中带有模拟数据的传感器可以转换为百分比并显示在Android应用程序中。从该百分比中,用户可以设置传感器的指示器以打开LED。用户还可以从百分比数据中查看图表,管理数据库的工厂数据以及设置应用程序配置。



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