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IT-based customer experience management: A systematic literature review


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In this era of globalization there is no longer a company that does not use the Information Technology (IT). Thanks to the development of IT is so fast all of the information may soon be known in order to improve its business is no exception field community service. The community now uses social media-based technology. With the social media will provide added value for the company by utilizing it. Society can be served well and quickly and did not know the time. Service was slow in the current era and cannot be anticipated will have less impact the development of the business. This needs to be sensitivity to public services in order to venture into the fast growing and provide maximum benefit. Today, many companies are using the tool in its efforts to improve customer service (customer experience). The term customer experience has become a popular term and prevalent in the business world. Schmitt (2003) says that “customer experience management (Customer Experience Management - CEM)” is a strategic process to manage the overall customer experience with a product or company. In order for a maximum of CEM can be implemented with all lines of business, the need for IT support. This study uses a systematic approach to literature review paper published in 2007-2017. The results of this study show that the concept of CEM in combination with the latest information technology is needed.
机译:在全球化的时代,不再有不使用信息技术(IT)的公司。由于IT的发展如此之快,所有信息很快就会为人所知,以改善其业务也不例外。社区现在使用基于社交媒体的技术。社交媒体将通过利用它为公司提供增值。社会可以很快得到很好的服务,并且不知道时间。在当前时代,服务速度很慢,无法预料它将对业务发展的影响较小。这需要对公共服务敏感,以便冒险进入快速增长并提供最大收益的地方。如今,许多公司都在使用该工具来改善客户服务(客户体验)。术语“客户体验”已成为商业世界中的流行术语和普遍现象。 Schmitt(2003)表示“客户体验管理(Customer Experience Management-CEM)”是管理产品或公司的整体客户体验的战略过程。为了使CEM可以与所有业务部门一起实施,需要IT支持。本研究使用系统的方法对2007-2017年发表的文献综述进行了研究。这项研究的结果表明,需要结合最新信息技术的CEM概念。



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