
LOTS about attacking deep features


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Deep neural networks provide state-of-the-art performance on various tasks and are, therefore, widely used in real world applications. DNNs are becoming frequently utilized in biometrics for extracting deep features, which can be used in recognition systems for enrolling and recognizing new individuals. It was revealed that deep neural networks suffer from a fundamental problem, namely, they can unexpectedly misclassify examples formed by slightly perturbing correctly recognized inputs. Various approaches have been developed for generating these so-called adversarial examples, but they aim at attacking end-to-end networks. For biometrics, it is natural to ask whether systems using deep features are immune to or, at least, more resilient to attacks than end-to-end networks. In this paper, we introduce a general technique called the layerwise origin-target synthesis (LOTS) that can be efficiently used to form adversarial examples that mimic the deep features of the target. We analyze and compare the adversarial robustness of the end-to-end VGG Face network with systems that use Euclidean or cosine distance between gallery templates and extracted deep features. We demonstrate that iterative LOTS is very effective and show that systems utilizing deep features are easier to attack than the end-to-end network.
机译:深度神经网络可在各种任务上提供最先进的性能,因此被广泛用于现实应用中。 DNN在生物特征学中越来越频繁地用于提取深层特征,可将其用于识别系统中以注册和识别新个体。结果表明,深度神经网络存在一个基本问题,即,它们可能会意外地对通过稍微干扰正确识别的输入而形成的示例进行错误分类。已经开发出各种方法来生成这些所谓的对抗性示例,但是它们旨在攻击端到端网络。对于生物识别技术,自然要问的是,使用深层功能的系统是否比端到端网络更能抵抗攻击,或者至少具有更强的抵御能力。在本文中,我们介绍了一种称为分层起源-目标合成(LOTS)的通用技术,该技术可以有效地用于形成模仿目标深层特征的对抗示例。我们分析并比较了端到端VGG Face网络与使用画廊模板之间的欧式距离或余弦距离并提取深度特征的系统的对抗鲁棒性。我们证明了迭代的LOTS是非常有效的,并且表明利用深层功能的系统比端到端网络更容易受到攻击。



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