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Self-Similarity in the Wide Sense for Information Flows With a Random Load Free on Distribution


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For description of dynamics of changes random loads of information flows we examine the stochastic model of Double Stochastic Poisson process which manages points of changes the random loads. A special case of a discrete distribution for the random intensity provides the following covariance property to the corresponding Double Stochastic Poisson subordinator for a sequence of the random loads. Such covariance exactly coincides with the covariance of the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Applying the Lamperti transform we obtain a self-similar random process with continuous time, stationary in the wide sense increments, and one dimensional distributions scaling the distribution of a term of the the initial subordinated sequence of the random loads. The Central Limit Theorem for vectors allows us to obtain in a limit, in the sense of convergence of finite dimensional distributions, the fractional Gaussian Brownian motion and the fractional Ornstein- Uhlenbeck process.
机译:为了描述动态变化的信息流随机负载,我们研究了双随机Poisson过程的随机模型,该模型管理随机负载的变化点。随机强度的离散分布的一种特殊情况为一系列随机载荷提供了以下协方差特性给相应的Double Stochastic Poisson从属子。这种协方差与分数Ornstein-Uhlenbeck过程的协方差完全一致。应用Lamperti变换,我们获得了具有连续时间的自相似随机过程,其广义意义上是平稳的,并且一维分布是对随机载荷的初始从属序列的项的分布进行比例缩放。向量的中心极限定理使我们可以在有限维分布的收敛意义上获得分数高斯布朗运动和分数奥恩斯坦-乌伦贝克过程的极限。



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