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Plaque rupture ??? Wave approach and resonance hypothesis


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Sudden heart attacks and cerebral strokes remain one of the primary causes of mortality and morbidity in the developed world. These acute cerebral and cardiac ischemic events (acute vascular syndromes) are commonly associated with a rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque in a large artery and subsequent thrombosis. Thus, great attention of vascular physicians is being given to predicting a plaque rupture. Nevertheless, there are grave shortcomings of the current approach to a rupture and its predictions. This study, on the background of the plaque rupture paradigm summary, presents a new interpretation of a plaque rupture using a wave approach and the resonance hypothesis that a rupture is caused by the flow induced nonlinear resonance of a plaque. To support the hypothesis the waveforms of plaque surface micrometer vibrations in a wide frequency range from 20 Hz up to 500 Hz obtained by means of finite elements (FE) and flow-structure interaction (FSI) simulation are introduced for the first time. The vibration analysis, evidence of its nonlinearity and comparison with the published data are proposed.
机译:心脏病突发和脑中风仍然是发达国家死亡和发病的主要原因之一。这些急性脑和心脏缺血事件(急性血管综合征)通常与大动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂和随后的血栓形成有关。因此,血管内科医生对预测斑块破裂给予了极大的关注。然而,目前的破裂方法及其预测存在严重缺陷。这项研究在斑块破裂范例摘要的背景下,提出了一种使用波方法的斑块破裂的新解释,以及共振假设:破裂是由流动引起的斑块的非线性共振引起的。为支持该假设,首次引入了通过有限元(FE)和流-结构相互作用(FSI)模拟获得的从20 Hz至500 Hz的宽频率范围内的斑块表面微米振动的波形。提出了振动分析,非线性的证据以及与公开数据的比较。



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