
Evaluation of Hybrid Parallel Cell List Algorithms for Monte Carlo Simulation


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This paper describes efficient, scalable parallel implementations of the conventional cell list method and a modified cell list method to calculate the total system intermolecular Lennard-Jones force interactions in the Monte Carlo Gibbs ensemble. We targeted this part of the Gibbs ensemble for optimization because it is the most computationally demanding part of the force interactions in the simulation, as it involves all the molecules in the system. The modified cell list implementation reduces the number of particles that are outside the interaction range by making the cells smaller, thus reducing the number of unnecessary distance evaluations. Evaluation of the two cell list methods is done using a hybrid MPI+OpenMP approach and a hybrid MPI+CUDA approach. The cell list methods are evaluated on a small cluster of multicore CPUs, Intel Phi coprocessors, and GPUs. The performance results are evaluated using different combinations of MPI processes, threads, and problem sizes.
机译:本文介绍了常规单元格列表方法和改进的单元格列表方法的高效,可扩展的并行实现,以计算蒙特卡洛·吉布斯合奏中整个系统的分子间Lennard-Jones力相互作用。我们将Gibbs系集中的这一部分用于优化,因为它是模拟中力相互作用中计算量最大的部分,因为它涉及系统中的所有分子。修改后的单元格列表实现通过使单元格更小来减少相互作用范围之外的粒子数,从而减少不必要的距离评估数。使用混合MPI + OpenMP方法和混合MPI + CUDA方法对两种单元列表方法进行评估。单元列表方法是在多核CPU,Intel Phi协处理器和GPU的小型集群上评估的。使用MPI流程,线程和问题大小的不同组合评估性能结果。



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