首页> 外文会议>2015 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference >Polynomial Chaos applied to the exposure assessment of child to Radio-Frequency field emitted by tablet devices

Polynomial Chaos applied to the exposure assessment of child to Radio-Frequency field emitted by tablet devices


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The public concern toward the exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) is continuously growing, due also to the increasing use of wireless communication system. The assessment of real exposure scenarios is still an open issue, due to the variability of the input parameters that influence the exposure itself (e.g., the source design, the frequency band used, the morphology of the subject exposed). Classical electromagnetic computational techniques are typically leading to highly time consuming simulations, if the variation of the, before mentioned, parameters is taken into account. A promising alternative to this issue is given by Polynomial Chaos (PC) theory, which is an efficient method to assess the variability of exposure at a lower computational cost. In this study (ANSES project Acte http://whist.mines-telecom.fr), PC theory has been applied to study the exposure of a 1-year-old child to a 3G tablet emitting at the frequency of 1940 MHz with 1 W input power. The exposure has been characterized in terms of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). A PC expansion has been built to estimate the whole-body SAR and the SAR in the brain, separately, to assess the variability of the child exposure with the change in the tablet position.
机译:由于无线通信系统的日益普及,公众对于暴露于射频电磁场(RF-EMF)的关注也在不断增长。由于输入参数的可变性会影响曝光本身(例如源设计,所使用的频带,所曝光对象的形态),因此对真实曝光场景的评估仍然是一个未解决的问题。如果考虑到参数的变化,那么经典的电磁计算技术通常会导致非常耗时的仿真。多项式混沌(PC)理论为该问题提供了一种有希望的替代方法,该理论是一种以较低的计算成本评估曝光量变异性的有效方法。在这项研究中(ANSES项目Acte http://whist.mines-telecom.fr),PC理论已被用于研究1岁儿童暴露于以1940 MHz频率发射1G的3G平板电脑的情况。 W输入功率。根据比吸收率(SAR)来表征暴露。已经建立了PC扩展,以分别估计全身SAR和大脑中的SAR,以评估随平板电脑位置变化而引起的儿童暴露的可变性。



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