首页> 外文会议>2014 Oceans-St. John's Conference >Diver's full face mask head-up display system using waveguide optical display technology OSJ — 140214–001

Diver's full face mask head-up display system using waveguide optical display technology OSJ — 140214–001

机译:潜水员使用波导光学显示技术OSJ的全脸面罩平视显示系统— 140214–001

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Military, public safety and science divers conduct operations in what can be one of the most inhospitable environments on the planet characterized by extreme temperature, pressure, and extremely poor visibility. Handheld displays and gauges can be virtually useless in an environment frequently characterized by zero visibility, and this has been a serious limitation to underwater manned diving operations [1]. Waveguide optical display technology has the potential to radically transform diver visual display systems by enabling the diver's face mask itself to become a see-through head-up display, similar to something from an Iron Man or Star Trek movie. Under a recent international government sponsored program, the Naval Surface Warfare Center-Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) developed a concept prototype binocular see-through head-up display inside a diver's full face mask using waveguide optical display technology. This paper will describe diver visual display systems, waveguide optical display technology, development of the concept prototype, results of diver evaluations, and recommendations for follow-on research and development.
机译:军事,公共安全和科学潜水员可在地球上最恶劣的环境之一中进行作业,其特征是极端温度,压力和极差的能见度。手持显示器和仪表实际上在可见度为零的环境中几乎是无用的,这已成为水下载人潜水操作的严重限制[1]。波导光学显示技术具有潜力,可以使潜水员的面罩本身变成透视的平视显示器,从而彻底改变潜水员的视觉显示系统,类似于钢铁侠或星际迷航电影中的东西。根据国际政府最近赞助的一项计划,海军水面作战中心-巴拿马市分部(NSWC PCD)使用波导光学显示技术在潜水员的全脸面罩内开发了概念原型双目透视平视显示器。本文将介绍潜水员视觉显示系统,波导光学显示技术,概念原型的开发,潜水员评估的结果以及后续研究和开发的建议。



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