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Comparative analyses of low carbon measures in the transport sector: The cases of Thailand and Sri Lanka


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The transport sectors of Thailand and Sri Lanka are analysed in terms of their characteristics and low carbon measures possible. The low carbon society (LCS) scenario of Thailand includes fuel efficiency improvement, modal shift and advanced technologies such as hybrid, in its counter-measures (CMs), and LCS achieves a cumulative mitigation of 21.8% from 2010 to 2050. The Sri Lankan transport sector is a very simple one, which is dominated by motorcycles and three-wheelers in its active fleet. The total expected energy consumption in the 2050 BAU is 5,404 ktoe and the corresponding emissions are 16,600 kton-CO2. Unlike the Thai transport sector, the Sri Lankan transport sector depends only on gasoline, diesel and very little amount of LPG and also faces heavy taxation in personal passenger vehicle purchases. Thus, the stage of evolution of the transport landscape is much less, thus leading to many challenges in its design of CMs.
机译:根据泰国和斯里兰卡的交通运输业的特点和可能​​采取的低碳措施对其进行了分析。泰国的低碳社会(LCS)情景包括在其对策(CMs)中提高燃料效率,模式转换和混合动力等先进技术,从2010年到2050年,LCS的累积减排量为21.8%。运输部门是一个非常简单的部门,在其活跃的机队中以摩托车和三轮车为主导。 2050 BAU的总预期能源消耗为5,404 ktoe,相应的排放量为16,600 kton-CO2。与泰国的交通运输业不同,斯里兰卡的交通运输业仅依靠汽油,柴油和少量的液化石油气,而且在购买个人乘用车方面也面临着沉重的税收。因此,运输景观的演变阶段要少得多,从而在CM的设计中带来许多挑战。



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