
Toward Data-Centric Software Architecture for Automotive Systems - Embedded Data Stream Processing Approach


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In the automotive field, intelligent control systems and information services using vehicle data are rapidly expanding. However, there is no software architecture to efficiently handle sensor data in vehicles and their surroundings. In order to address these problems and develop automotive software with higher productivity and trustworthiness, we have researched and developed data-centric software architecture for a data-stream management system for an automotive embedded system (eDSMS) and a stream local dynamic map (LDM) using eDSMS. An LDM is a collection of data that is intended to be used in cooperative intelligent transportation systems. In this paper, we present features of eDSMS and LDM using eDSMS, and demonstrate collision warning application software with eDSMS and a driver assistance system with a stream-based LDM.
机译:在汽车领域,使用车辆数据的智能控制系统和信息服务正在迅速扩展。但是,没有软件架构可有效处理车辆及其周围环境中的传感器数据。为了解决这些问题并开发具有更高生产率和可信赖性的汽车软件,我们已经研究和开发了以数据为中心的软件体系结构,用于汽车嵌入式系统(eDSMS)和流本地动态地图(LDM)的数据流管理系统使用eDSMS。 LDM是旨在在协作智能运输系统中使用的数据的集合。在本文中,我们介绍了使用eDSMS的eDSMS和LDM的功能,并演示了具有eDSMS的碰撞警告应用程序软件和具有基于流的LDM的驾驶员辅助系统。



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