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The evolution of advergames development: A study in the Netherlands


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Despite our exposure to advergames, and studies about their effects, we know very little about the other side of the coin, i.e., advergames developers. In this paper, we report on a study of advergames development companies in the Netherlands. After deriving statements concerning the advergames market through three interviews, we cross-validate these statements with eight companies. Several statements are statistically significant, including the following: advergames are increasingly becoming cross-platform; the technological platforms for developing advergames have changed considerably; an increasing number of clients demand social media components in their advergames; budgets for advergames will increase; the intermediary role of advertising companies will become less prominent; companies will make more strategic choices regarding advergames; advergames that can be played for an extended period of time will become more popular and ensure customer loyalty.
机译:尽管我们接触过advergames,并对其效果进行了研究,但我们对代币的另一面(即advergames开发人员)知之甚少。在本文中,我们报告了对荷兰advergames开发公司的一项研究。通过三次采访得出有关advergames市场的声明后,我们与八家公司进行了交叉验证。有几种说法具有统计意义,其中包括:广告游戏越来越成为跨平台的;开发advergames的技术平台已经发生了很大变化;越来越多的客户在其advergames中需要社交媒体组件; advergames的预算将增加;广告公司的中介作用将不再那么突出;公司将在广告游戏方面做出更多战略选择;可以长时间玩的advergames将变得更加流行,并确保客户忠诚度。



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