
A Qur'anic Code for Representing the Holy Qur'an (Rasm Al-'Uthmani)

机译:代表古兰经的古兰经规范(Rasm Al-Uthmani)

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Holly Qur'an must be written correctly and precisely without any modification, despite the fact that some characters used in Qur'an does not have a corresponding Unicode representation. The aim of this paper is building a system that translates the Holly Qur'an to Qur'anic code, this translation will be done on three levels, character level, word level, and phrase level. Character level will be translated by extracting all the Arabic characters in the Holly Qur'an with all diacritics available in the Holly Qur'an regardless the linguistic combinations, and adding new character that has a symbol in the Holly Qur'an (Rasm Al-'Uthmani) [1] and has no Unicode representation for it. Word level will be translated by extracting all the duplicated words, generate a special code for these words. Phrase level will be created by extracting all similar patterns of variable lengths using enhanced (Lempel, Ziv, and Welch) LZW data Compression technique. We will use LZW technique for pattern extraction not for data compression.
机译:尽管《古兰经》中使用的某些字符没有相应的Unicode表示,但霍莉古兰经必须正确,准确地编写且不得进行任何修改。本文的目的是建立一个将霍莉古兰经翻译成古兰经代码的系统,这种翻译将在三个层次上进行,即字符层次,单词层次和短语层次。字符级别的翻译方法是:提取《古兰经》中的所有阿拉伯字符以及《古兰经》中所有可用的变音符号,无论使用哪种语言组合,并在《古兰经》中添加带有符号的新字符(Rasm Al- 'Uthmani)[1],并且没有Unicode表示。单词级别将通过提取所有重复的单词进行翻译,并为这些单词生成特殊代码。通过使用增强的(Lempel,Ziv和Welch)LZW数据压缩技术提取所有类似的可变长度模式,可以创建短语级别。我们将使用LZW技术进行模式提取,而不是进行数据压缩。



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