
Using Ontology for Associating Web Multimedia Resources with the Holy Quran


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There is a huge wealth of multimedia web resources related to the sciences of the Holy Quran, including "Tafseer" of the Holy Quran, teaching the provisions of recitation, the stories of the Holy Quran, and many other categories of resources. There is no doubt that these resources would help in understanding the verses of the Holy Quran, clarifying its meaning, and specifying the right way of applying provisions of its recitation, especially for children where the audio visual effect of the multimedia resources would have a great impact on them. Ontology is the explicit formal specification of the terms in a domain and the relations between them. It has been used extensively for knowledge sharing, application integration, and the most for providing the capability of machines to understand and exchange web content. This paper addresses the possibility of using Ontology for linking the verses of the Holy Quran with the multimedia resources found on the web. The proposed system will provide the capability of dynamically searching the web for resources related to the verses of the Holy Quran based on common ontological terms.
机译:拥有与《古兰经》科学相关的大量多媒体网络资源,包括《古兰经》的“ Tafseer”,教授背诵条款,《古兰经》的故事以及许多其他类别的资源。毫无疑问,这些资源将有助于理解《古兰经》的经文,阐明其含义,并指定正确的方式来运用其诵读规定,尤其是对于多媒体资源的视听效果非常出色的儿童对他们的影响。本体是领域中术语及其之间关系的明确形式规范。它已被广泛用于知识共享,应用程序集成,并且最大程度地用于提供机器理解和交换Web内容的能力。本文探讨了使用本体将《古兰经》的经文与网络上的多媒体资源联系起来的可能性。所提出的系统将提供基于共同的本体论术语在网络上动态搜索与《古兰经》经文相关的资源的能力。



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