首页> 外文会议>2012 Second International Conference on Business Computing and Global Informatization. >Research of Intelligent Model of Optimal Route for the Urban Public Transport

Research of Intelligent Model of Optimal Route for the Urban Public Transport


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With the vigorous development of economics, urban transportation construction is continuing to expand and the need for traffic travel is increasing. The key solutions to relieve the over-crowdedness of urban traffic reside in the following aspects: to give priority to the development of public transport, to scientifically organize the public transportation resources for operations, to maximize the advantages of public transport, and to improve the overall efficiency and service levels of the public transport system. In this paper we first discuss the state-of-arts of researches on domestic and international urban public transport systems. Based on our discussion, we analyze the urban public transport network architecture from aspects such as the basic components of public transport network, and the characteristics of public transport network, etc. In addition, we judge comprehensively according to the preference for the passengers travel choices, transit network model characteristics and time cost. Combined with the survey of Shanghai residents on travel habits, we verified and analyzed the constraints of passengers travel decision-making factors. Through comparative analysis, based on the ISM analysis method we can effectively analyze the psychology and the principle of optimal choice of passenger travel, and by the algorithm of proposed model, this paper provides ideas for the shift of transit mode of passengers travel route from a traditional mode to a multi-modal one.
机译:随着经济学的蓬勃发展,城市交通建设不断扩大,对交通出行的需求也在增加。缓解城市交通过度拥挤的关键解决方案包括以下几个方面:优先发展公共交通,科学组织公共交通运营资源,最大程度发挥公共交通的优势,改善公共交通的发展。公共交通系统的整体效率和服务水平。在本文中,我们首先讨论国内外城市公共交通系统研究的最新情况。在讨论的基础上,我们从公共交通网络的基本组成部分,公共交通网络的特征等方面分析了城市公共交通网络的体系结构。此外,我们根据对乘客出行选择的偏好进行综合判断。 ,公交网络模型的特点和时间成本。结合上海居民出行习惯调查,验证和分析了旅客出行决策因素的制约因素。通过比较分析,基于ISM分析方法,可以有效地分析旅客出行的心理和最佳选择原则,并通过提出的模型算法,为旅客出行方式的转变提供了思路。传统模式改为多模式模式。



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