首页> 外文会议>2012 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing. >Radon transform and DWT based audio watermarking algorithm against DA/AD conversion

Radon transform and DWT based audio watermarking algorithm against DA/AD conversion

机译:针对DA / AD转换的Radon变换和基于DWT的音频水印算法

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Audio watermarking has become an important technology for the intellectual property protection. For numerous applications, such as cinema and concert situation, watermarks surviving noisy analog environments are better suited or even required. This paper discusses the robustness of digital audio watermarking algorithms against digital-to-analogue (D/A) and analogue-to-digital (A/D) conversions. Based on discrete wavelet decomposition, the chirp signal is introduced as watermarking bits and the radon transform of time-frequency distribution of wavelet coefficients is also considered. Then the relationship of statistical radon moment in two adjacent wavelet sub-bands is utilized to embed watermarking bits. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can resist on the attack of DA and AD conversion with lower bit error and higher capacity. The proposed method could also be against common signal processing and MPEG compression attack, which show its good prospect in real application.
机译:音频水印已成为保护知识产权的重要技术。对于诸如电影院和音乐会情况之类的众多应用,在嘈杂的模拟环境中生存的水印更适合甚至是必需的。本文讨论了数字音频水印算法对数模转换(D / A)和模数转换(A / D)的鲁棒性。基于离散小波分解,将线性调频信号作为水印位引入,并考虑了小波系数时频分布的time变换。然后利用两个相邻小波子带中的统计ra矩的关系来嵌入水印比特。实验结果表明,该算法能够以较低的误码率和较高的容量抵抗DA和AD转换的攻击。所提出的方法还可以抵抗通用信号处理和MPEG压缩攻击,在实际应用中显示出良好的前景。



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