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On the capacity of multi-user two-way linear deterministic channels


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In multi-user two-way channels nodes are both sources and destinations of messages. This allows for “adaptation” at or “interaction” between the nodes — the next channel inputs may be a function of the past received signals at a particular node. How to best adapt is key to two-way communication problems, rendering them complex and challenging. However, examples exist of channels where adaptation is not beneficial from a capacity perspective; it is known that for the point-to-point two-way modulo 2 adder and Gaussian channels, adaptation does not increase capacity. Recently, it was shown that the two-way modulo-2 additive versions of the multiple-access / broadcast (MAC/BC respectively, in the two directions), the Z channel and the interference channel also have capacity regions equal to two parallel one-way versions of the channels. In this work we show that the same is true for the linear deterministic multi-user two-way channels which approximate their Gaussian counterparts at high SNR, which include the two-way MAC/BC channel, the two-way Z channel, and the two-way interference channel under some adaptation constraints. For all three channel models we obtain the capacity region, which is that of two one-way channels in each direction, which may be achieved without the use of adaptation.
机译:在多用户双向通道中,节点既是消息的源,也是消息的目的地。这允许在节点之间“适应”或“交互” —下一个通道输入可能是特定节点上过去接收到的信号的函数。如何最好地适应是双向通讯问题的关键,这使它们变得复杂且具有挑战性。但是,从能力的角度来看,存在一些渠道的例子,在这些渠道中,适应不利于利益。众所周知,对于点对点的双向模2加法器和高斯信道,自适应不会增加容量。最近,显示了多路访问/广播(分别在两个方向上分别为MAC / BC),Z信道和干扰信道的双向模2加法版本,其容量区域也等于两个平行的1通道的双向版本。在这项工作中,我们证明线性确定性多用户双向通道的情况也是如此,这些通道在高SNR时近似其高斯对应通道,包括双向MAC / BC通道,双向Z通道和在某些适应性约束下的双向干扰信道。对于所有三个通道模型,我们获得了容量区域,即在每个方向上的两个单向通道的容量区域,这可以在不使用自适应的情况下实现。



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