
Compressed sensing on the image of bilinear maps


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For several communication models, the dispersive part of a communication channel is described by a bilinear operation T between the possible sets of input signals and channel parameters. The received channel output has then to be identified from the image T(X, Y) of the input signal difference sets X and the channel state sets Y. The main goal in this contribution is to characterize the compressibility of T(X, Y) with respect to an ambient dimension N. In this paper we show that a restricted norm multiplicativity of T on all canonical subspaces X and Y with dimension S resp. F is sufficient for the reconstruction of output signals with an overwhelming probability from O((S + F) log N) random sub-Gaussian measurements. Thus, in this case, the number of degrees of freedom of each output grows only additively instead of multiplicatively with the input dimensions (sparsity) S and F. This is a relevant improvement in the output compressibility and suggests a substantially reduced rate in compressed sampling algorithms.
机译:对于几种通信模型,通信信道的分散部分由输入信号和信道参数的可能集合之间的双线性运算T描述。然后必须从输入信号差集X和通道状态集Y的图像T(X,Y)识别接收到的通道输出。此贡献的主要目标是表征T(X,Y)的可压缩性相对于环境维度N。在本文中,我们证明了在所有维度为S的规范子空间X和Y上T的受限范数可乘性。 F足以根据O((S + F)log N)次亚高斯随机测量结果以极大的概率重建输出信号。因此,在这种情况下,每个输出的自由度数仅与输入尺寸(稀疏度)S和F相加而不是相乘。这是输出可压缩性的显着改善,表明压缩采样的速率大大降低了算法。



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