首页> 外文会议>2012 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering >Prefrontal activity correlating with perception of sweetness during eating

Prefrontal activity correlating with perception of sweetness during eating


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Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), we investigated regional brain activity corresponding to the perception of sweetness. Six subjects without taste deficit participated in the study. Subjects ate a piece of sweet snack with optical probes attached on their bilateral prefrontal area for two times, between which their mouth was rinsed with gymnemic acid (GA) solution to inhibit the sweet taste receptors on the tongue. GA rinse significantly suppressed the perceived intensity of sweetness. Statistical parametric mapping of oxy-hemoglobin signals indicated that eating sweet food activated the bilateral primary taste area (Brodmann Area (BA) 43), inferior frontal gyrus (BA44, 45), and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA46), and the left premotor area (BA6). Inhibition of sweetness suppressed all of these activities except that in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These results suggest that the activation of the primary taste area and the inferior frontal gyrus plays a significant role in the perception of sweetness. The remained activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is likely to reflect the taste-related working memory process of the task in which subjects memorized and compared the sweetness of the food stimuli before and after the GA rinse. Our experiment also showed that fNIRS is feasible to investigate the neuronal activity during eating food, a situation which is very close to our real-world behavior.
机译:使用功能性近红外光谱(fNIRS),我们调查了与甜味感相对应的区域性大脑活动。六名无味觉障碍的受试者参加了研究。受试者在其双侧前额叶区域吃了两次光学探针附着的甜点心,两次之间用gym草酸(GA)溶液冲洗以抑制舌头上的甜味受体。 GA漂洗显着抑制了甜味的感知强度。氧合血红蛋白信号的统计参数映射表明,食用甜食会激活双侧主要味觉区域(Brodmann区域(BA)43),额额下回(BA44、45)和背外侧前额叶皮层(BA46)以及左侧运动前区域(BA6)。抑制甜味抑制了所有这些活动,除了在右背外侧前额叶皮层中。这些结果表明,主要味觉区域和下额回的激活在甜味的感知中起着重要作用。背外侧前额叶皮层中剩余的活性可能反映了该任务的与口味相关的工作记忆过程,在该过程中,受试者记忆并比较了GA冲洗前后食物刺激的甜度。我们的实验还表明,fNIRS是可行的,可用于调查饮食过程中的神经元活动,这种情况与我们的现实行为非常接近。



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