
RESTlabs: A prototype web 2.0 architecture for Remote Labs

机译:RESTlabs:用于远程实验室的Web 2.0原型体系结构

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This paper reports on the progress of work underway at the Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology at the University of Queensland to construct a new remote laboratories architecture based on contemporary and emerging web standards. The RESTlabs architecture uses the concept of self-describing APIs to provide discoverability of capabilities and the replacement of bespoke code with code generated from machine-readable designs. The prototype currently under development allows experiment services within the Lab Server to be generated from a design specification. This mirrors the existing capability in the RESTlabs client to generate an Experiment User Interface (UI) from a design specification retrieved from the Lab Server. Plans for an Experiment Service Designer as a component of the Lab Server, along similar lines to the Experiment UI Designer component in the RESTlabs client, are described. The schema for Experiment Service APIs is being conformed to specifications promoted by Google in the hope of leveraging a wider toolset into the Remote Labs arena and enabling workflows across multiple experiments and other services.
机译:本文报告了昆士兰大学教育创新与技术中心正在开展的工作进展,以基于当代和新兴的网络标准构建新的远程实验室架构。 RESTlabs体系结构使用自我描述API的概念来提供功能的可发现性,以及用从机器可读设计生成的代码替换定制代码。当前正在开发的原型允许根据设计规范生成Lab Server中的实验服务。这反映了RESTlabs客户端中的现有功能,可根据从Lab Server检索到的设计规范生成实验用户界面(UI)。描述了将实验服务设计器作为Lab Server组件的计划,以及与RESTlabs客户端中的Experiment UI Designer组件类似的计划。实验服务API的架构已符合Google提出的规范,以期将更广泛的工具集带入远程实验室领域,并支持跨多个实验和其他服务的工作流。



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