首页> 外文会议>2006 SPE International Oil amp; Gas Conference and Exhibition in China >Case Histories: Benefits and Lessons Learned From New Single-Trip Perf Pac Gun Hanger System in Well Completions

Case Histories: Benefits and Lessons Learned From New Single-Trip Perf Pac Gun Hanger System in Well Completions

机译:案例历史:完井中从新型单行程Perf Pac枪架系统获得的好处和经验教训

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During the last few years, advances in completions and sandcontrolrntechnology have enabled development of many highendrntechnologies that allow complex operations to bernconducted. During the life cycle of a well, one of the keyrnoperational goals is to maximize the well's net present valuern(NPV). Typically, the majority of the well completion budgetrnis allocated to the drilling phase. If, however, the drillingrncosts are not kept within planned budget and time parameters,rnit becomes necessary to reduce the time and cost in therncompletion strategies to enable the project to be completedrnwithin cost constraints.rnThis paper discusses a new single-trip perf-pack gunrnhanger (STPP-GH) system that reduces cycle times, and thus,rncosts. The STPP-GH completion system provides arncompletion in which perforating and frac-packing and/orrngravel packing for a zone of interest can be performed in arnsingle workstring trip. When using this system, the operatorrncan realize such benefits as reduced completion fluid losses,rnreduced formation exposure, and increased well-controlrnsafety. These advantages result from the reduction inrnoperational time when compared to traditional perforating andrngravel-pack operations.
机译:在过去的几年中,完井技术和防砂技术的进步推动了许多高端技术的发展,使复杂的作业得以实施。在井的生命周期中,关键的操作目标之一是使井的净现值(NPV)最大化。通常,大多数完井预算师分配给钻探阶段。但是,如果钻井成本未保持在计划的预算和时间参数范围内,则必须减少钻探成本,以减少完成策略中的时间和成本,以使该项目能够在成本约束下完成。本文讨论了一种新型的单程穿孔包装机(STPP-GH)系统,减少了周期时间,从而降低了成本。 STPP-GH完井系统可提供完井作业,其中在感兴趣的工作区行程中可以对目标区域进行射孔和压裂装填和/或砾石充填。当使用该系统时,操作员可以实现诸如减少完井液损失,减少地层暴露以及提高井控安全性等益处。与传统的穿孔和砾石充填操作相比,这些优点是由于减少了误操作时间。



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