首页> 外文会议>2005 Offshore technology conference (OTC'05) >Drilling Hazard Mitigation-Utilizing Solid Expandable Liners to Address Trouble Zoneswith Zero Hole Size Loss

Drilling Hazard Mitigation-Utilizing Solid Expandable Liners to Address Trouble Zoneswith Zero Hole Size Loss


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Mitigating drilling hazards has been challenging cost-effectivernwell construction for decades. Balancing drilling risks againstrnthe optimum well design while preparing for unplannedrndrilling events combine to be a never-ending set ofrnfrustrations. The operator’s authorization for expendituresrn(AFE) can be significantly impacted when he is fighting porernpressure/formation fracture gradient challenges or unexpectedrnshallow flows, unstable formations, overpressure formationsrnor depleted formations are encountered.rnExcessive use of lost-circulation pills, and traditionalrncontingency liners drive well costs up and jeopardizesrnreaching total depth (TD) with an effective completion. Arndrilling hazard mitigation solution could be as simple as usingrnthat contingency liner that was planned into the well, or thernuse of drill-in casing to fight an unstable wellbore. However,rnthe use of conventional solid expandable drilling liners canrndrive excessive risks into the well and even cause a costlyrnsidetracking of the well.rnOperators in the former Soviet Union (FSU) have beenrnsuccessfully using short expandable openhole clad-thru-cladrnliners for decades to cost-effectively mitigate expected, andrnunexpected, well construction challenges. These systems arernused only when necessary and cover only the trouble zone,rnallowing the well construction to continue without the loss ofrnany hole size. Operators have used these solid, expandablernsystems as “Steel MudcakeTM,” minimizing the risk of usingrnsolid, expandable liners.rnThis paper describes applications where this alternativernsolid expandable liner system has been used over the yearsrnand how a wide variety of well construction challenges havernbeen addressed without the need for downsizing a wellrnsection.rnShort, low-risk, openhole, expandable liners have beenrnused to address drilling hazards during the well constructionrnprocess, allowing continued, post-remediation drilling of thernwell with the same size bit. Because there is no loss of holernsize through the use of these openhole “clad” liners,rnsubsequent drilling hazards in the same-size hole section canrnbe remediated without downsizing the wellbore.rnInstalling field-proven, short, solid, expandable, openholernclad liners minimizes operational risks and reduces the cost ofrnthese expandable systems. Minimizing the “flat” time on therndrilling curve has allowed operators to continue the wellrnconstruction process quicker, reducing rig time and cuttingrnwell construction costs.rnDiscussion of how risks have been driven out of thernexpandable drilling hazard mitigation product and casernhistories will be reviewed for several applications. We willrnalso discuss how this and other conventional and nonconventionalrnhazard mitigation “tools” can be used separatelyrnand in conjunction with one another to significantly reducernwell construction risks and reduce well costs.
机译:几十年来,减轻钻井危险一直对具有成本效益的井结构构成挑战。平衡钻井风险可能会影响最佳井的设计,同时为计划外的钻井活动做准备,这将是无休止的挫折。当操作人员应对孔隙压力/地层裂缝梯度挑战或意想不到的浅流,不稳定地层,超压地层或枯竭地层时,其支出授权(AFE)可能会受到重大影响。有效完成作业会破坏并破坏到达的总深度(TD)。减轻钻井危险的解决方案可能很简单,例如使用计划在井中的应急衬管,或者使用钻探套管来抵抗不稳定的井眼。但是,使用常规的固态可膨胀钻井衬管会给井中带来过多的风险,甚至会造成井壁跟踪的高昂代价。数十年来,前苏联(FSU)的运营商一直在使用短的可扩展裸眼裸眼覆层衬里来降低成本。有效地缓解了预期的和意外的井建设挑战。这些系统仅在必要时使用,并且仅覆盖故障区域,从而使井的建设得以继续而不会损失任何孔径。运营商已将这些固体可膨胀系统用作“ Steel MudcakeTM”,从而最大程度地减少了使用固体可膨胀内胆系统的风险。本文介绍了多年来使用这种替代性固体可膨胀内胆系统的应用,以及如何解决了各种井眼施工难题而又没有解决的问题。为了缩小井眼施工过程中的钻井危险,人们已经使用短,低风险,裸眼,可膨胀的衬管来解决井眼的问题,从而可以用相同尺寸的钻头继续进行修复后的井眼钻井。由于使用这些裸眼“覆层”衬管不会损失孔径,因此可以在不减小井眼尺寸的情况下纠正相同大小孔段的后续钻井危险。安装经现场验证的,短,坚固,可扩展的空心覆膜衬管可最大程度地减少操作冒着风险并降低了这些可扩展系统的成本。最大限度地减少钻井曲线上的“平坦”时间,使操作员可以更快地继续进行井眼施工过程,从而减少了钻机时间并削减了井眼建设成本。有关如何从可膨胀钻井灾害缓解产品和案例历史中消除风险的讨论将针对几种应用进行回顾。我们还将讨论如何与其他常规和非常规减灾“工具”分开使用,以及相互结合使用,以显着降低井的施工风险并降低井的成本。



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