首页> 外文会议>2004 SPE international petroleum conference in Mexico >Seismically Driven Improved Fractured Reservoir Characterization

Seismically Driven Improved Fractured Reservoir Characterization


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Characterization of naturally fractured reservoir is a recurringrnchallenge for many oil and gas companies that manage andrndevelop fractured reservoirs. Several techniques have beenrnapplied in the past to characterize these complex reservoirs;rnmost of them have been proven unreliable. This paper willrndescribe a methodology to improve the characterization ofrnfractured reservoir using seismic attributes derived from prestackrnand post-stack high resolution inversion and spectralrnimaging.rnThe methodology presented in this paper uses thernsimultaneous integration of geophysical, geologic, andrnengineering data to improve the reservoir description. At thernroot of this reservoir characterization technique is thernincreasingly accurate seismic data collected on most of thernreservoirs world-wide. Extensive use of this seismicrninformation is made possible through the use of pre-stackrnhigh-resolution elastic inversion, post-stack high resolutionrninversion, and spectral imaging. These processes allow thernderivation of seismic attributes that are extremely relevant tornfracturing and could also be used as input in the continuousrnfracture modeling approach. Based on this seismically drivenrnreservoir characterization, the fractured reservoir propertiesrncould be accurately estimated in 3D. An application of thisrntechnology and workflow is presented on a very complexrnfractured reservoir.



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