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A review on multicomponent seismology: A potential seismic application for reservoir characterization




class="kwd-title">Keywords: Multicomponent seismology, P-wave, Shear wave, Converted wave, Recent applications, Reservoir class="head no_bottom_margin" id="idm139764583249520title">AbstractSearching for hydrocarbon reserves in deep subsurface is the main concern of wide community of geophysicists and geoscientists in petroleum industry. Exploration seismology has substantially contributed to finding and developing giant fields worldwide. The technology has evolved from two to three-dimensional method, and later added a fourth dimension for reservoir monitoring. Continuous depletion of many old fields and the increasing world consumption of crude oil pushed to consistently search for techniques that help recover more reserves from old fields and find alternative fields in more complex and deeper formations either on land and in offshore. In such environments, conventional seismic with the compressional (P) wave alone proved to be insufficient. Multicomponent seismology came as a solution to most limitations encountered in P-wave imaging. That is, recording different components of the seismic wave field allowed geophysicists to map complex reservoirs and extract information that could not be extracted previously. The technology demonstrated its value in many fields and gained popularity in basins worldwide. In this review study, we give an overview about multicomponent seismology, its history, data acquisition, processing and interpretation as well as the state-of the-art of its applications. Recent examples from world basins are highlighted. The study concludes that despite the success achieved in many geographical areas such as deep offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), North Sea, Offshore Brazil, China and Australia, much work remains for the technology to gain similar acceptance in other areas such as Middle East, East Asia, West Africa and North Africa. However, with the tremendous advances reported in data recording, processing and interpretation, the situation may change.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ position” anchor“ == f4-> <!-fig mode =” anchred“ f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:多分量地震,P波,剪切波,转换波,近期应用,储层 class =摘要寻找深部地下油气藏是石油工业中地球物理学家和地球科学家广泛关注的主要问题。勘探地震学为在世界范围内寻找和开发巨大的油田做出了巨大贡献。该技术已从二维方法发展到三维方法,后来又增加了第四维来进行储层监测。许多老油田的不断枯竭和世界原油消费量的不断增长,促使人们不断寻求有助于从老油田中开采更多储量并在陆上和海上更复杂,更深层中寻找替代油田的技术。在这样的环境中,仅凭压缩(P)波进行的常规地震就证明是不够的。多组分地震学是对P波成像中遇到的大多数局限性的一种解决方案。也就是说,记录地震波场的不同成分使地球物理学家能够绘制复杂的油藏图并提取以前无法提取的信息。该技术在许多领域展示了其价值,并在全世界的盆地中得到普及。在这篇综述研究中,我们对多分量地震学,其历史,数据采集,处理和解释以及其最新应用进行了概述。重点介绍了来自世界流域的最新例子。该研究得出的结论是,尽管在许多地区都取得了成功,例如墨西哥湾的深海,加拿大西部的沉积盆地(WCSB),北海,巴西近海,中国和澳大利亚,但这项技术仍需要大量工作才能获得类似的接受在其他地区,例如中东,东亚,西非和北非。但是,随着数据记录,处理和解释方面的巨大进步,情况可能会发生变化。



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