首页> 外文会议>2004 China Magnet Symposium >Bonded Magnet Market and New Technology in Japan in 2003

Bonded Magnet Market and New Technology in Japan in 2003


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(1) The production amount of Bonded Magnets in Japan was 217 hundred million yen (91%) and 13,900ton (99%) and has been decreasing by the over seas production movement. But including Japanese manufacturers production in over seas, the production value was 380 million dollars and almost same as peak value of in 1998. (2) The production amount in the USA and Europe is also decreasing. On the other hand South East Asia and China production are increasing. Total value of Bonded Magnets in the world was 935 million dollars and down by the reason of unit price down. (3) In Japan new bonded magnet materials have been developed. They are isotropic nano composite NdFeB, rapid quenched SmFeN, better thermal stability SmFeMnN, high performance hybrid anisotropic radial oriented ring and segment. (4) It is very important now "International Cooperation", I believe.
机译:(1)日本的粘结磁铁的产量分别为217亿日元(91%)和13,900吨(99%),并且随着远洋生产运动而减少。但是包括日本制造商的远洋生产在内,产值为3.8亿美元,几乎与1998年的峰值相同。(2)美国和欧洲的产值也在减少。另一方面,东南亚和中国的产量正在增加。由于单价下降,世界粘结磁铁的总价值下降了9.35亿美元。 (3)在日本,已经开发了新的粘结磁体材料。它们是各向同性的纳米复合材料NdFeB,快速淬火SmFeN,更好的热稳定性SmFeMnN,高性能混合各向异性径向取向的环和链段。 (4)我认为,现在“国际合作”非常重要。



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