
The Saddle-Profile-Rail - a squeal free rail design


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The squeal noise generating mechanisms has been studied by a non-linear lumped parameter model, It was then revealed that the squeal vibration level in the wheel could be reduced by a reduction of the rail apparent mass. The desired lower apparent mass in the new rail design is achieved by a "saddle-like" profile covering the railhead and which is dynamically decoupled from (at least at squeal frequencies) from the railhead by a thin rubber mat. A 20-m long test section of Saddle-Profile rail has been built in a curve of radius 50-m at a depot track of Stockholm Transport (SL). Narrow band FFT analysis of the recorded sound pressure time history reveal that the sound pressure level at the first and second squeal frequency is reduced by 30-37 dB compared to the squeal sound pressure levels from the adjacent, non-treated, track sections. The wheel/rail curve squeal noise is thus totally abolished by the Suddle-Profile-Rail. The technique has been developed within the BRITE EURAM project SQUEAL (BRPR-CT97-0477) and is protected by two patent applications.
机译:通过非线性集总参数模型研究了尖叫声的产生机理,结果表明,减小车轮的视在质量可以减小车轮中的尖叫声。在新的轨道设计中,所需的较低的表观质量是通过覆盖铁轨头的“鞍形”轮廓来实现的,该轮廓通过薄橡胶垫与铁轨头(至少在尖叫频率下)动态脱开。在斯德哥尔摩运输公司(SL)的一个仓库轨道上,在半径为50 m的曲线上建造了一个20 m长的鞍形导轨测试段。记录的声压时间历程的窄带FFT分析表明,与相邻未处理轨道部分的尖叫声压水平相比,第一和第二尖叫声频率的声压水平降低了30-37 dB。因此,Suddle-Profile-Rail完全消除了车轮/轨道弯曲的尖叫声。该技术是在BRITE EURAM项目SQUEAL(BRPR-CT97-0477)中开发的,并受到两项专利申请的保护。



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