
New Automatic Salvage Pontoon Used in Deep Water




At present, the technology of CDG (Carriage of Dangerous Goods) by water is not mature enough in China. Hazardous chemicals loaded by containers sometimes fall into Yangtze River, which is a potential threat to the water quality and marine safety. According to the situation, this article designs a new automatic salvage pontoon used for salvaging containers in deep water, and describes the salvage pontoon from three aspects: pontoon control technology, container reinforcement technology and monitoring technology. Application of the S7-200PLC controls the submersible pump water and drainage in remote place, so as to control the salvage pontoon's ups and downs underwater. In order to ensure the safety and efficiency of underwater salvage, this article presents a new type of container spreader, the hanger applies magnechuck lockset and container fixture working together, which plays a dual fail-safe role for the containers reinforcement. Additionally, the automatic salvage pontoon applies ROV to monitor the circumstances and assist pontoon to salvage sediments in deep water.
机译:目前,在中国,水的CDG(危险品运输)技术还不够成熟。集装箱装载的有害化学物质有时会掉入长江中,这对水质和海洋安全构成潜在威胁。针对这种情况,本文设计了一种新型的用于深水容器打捞的自动打捞浮桥,并从浮桥控制技术,集装箱加固技术和监控技术三个方面对打捞浮桥进行了描述。 S7-200PLC的应用控制潜水泵在偏远地方的注水和排水,从而控制打捞浮筒在水下的起伏。为了保证水下打捞的安全性和效率,本文提出了一种新型的集装箱吊具,该吊架采用了镁合金锁具和集装箱固定装置共同作用,对集装箱的加固起到了双重防故障的作用。此外,自动打捞浮船还采用ROV监视情况并协助打捞船打捞深水中的沉积物。



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