
Prospects for Chinese Coke Sales to the USA: Illusions and Realities


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The illusion is that Chinese sales of coke to the United States should be substantial in the next five years. 1. First, the Chinese are now the only major exporters of coke in the world, with the Japanese being a far distant second. 2. Second, cokemaking capacity in the USA has been reduced as both the integrated steelmakers and independent coke suppliers have shut a number of their facilities in the past year. In fact, more coke ovens may be closed in the next few years due to factors such as high costs and/or pollution control problems. 3. Third, existing USA integrated steel mills may need to operate at a high rate of capacity in the years ahead since underlying demand well exceeds domestic capacity and steel imports are already at high levels (and are unlikely to rise further). On this optimistic basis, it might be argued that China may need to supply three to four million tonnes of coke per year to the United States by about 2005. In comparison, total USA coke imports in 2001 were 2.1 million tonnes, with 0.9 million tonnes coming from China and 1.2 million tonnes coming from Japan.
机译:幻觉是,在未来五年中,中国向美国的焦炭销售量将非常可观。首先,中国人现在是世界上唯一的主要焦炭出口国,而日本人则排在第二位。 2.其次,由于综合钢铁生产商和独立的焦炭供应商在过去的一年中关闭了许多设施,美国的炼焦能力有所下降。实际上,由于诸如高成本和/或污染控制问题之类的因素,未来几年可能会关闭更多的炼焦炉。 3.第三,由于潜在需求远远超过了国内产能,并且钢铁进口已经处于高水平(并且不太可能进一步上升),因此未来几年中,现有的美国综合钢铁厂可能需要高产能运转。在这种乐观的基础上,可能有人争辩说,到2005年左右,中国可能每年需要向美国供应三至四百万吨焦炭。相比之下,2001年美国的焦炭进口总量为210万吨,其中90万吨为焦炭。来自中国,120万吨来自日本。



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