
Preparation of Fe3O4 Nanopieces and Modification Tribological Property of Liquid Paraffin as Its Additive


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1.Introduction The grain size, morphology, surface state, and microstructure of nanostructured metals directly affect their physico-chemical properties and applications. At present, morphology-controlled synthesis and application research of nano-metal are still at the starting stage. Therefore, it has been profound theoretical significance and application value in there. Having the compatibility with biological tissue, electricity and magnetic property concerned its size and morphology, nano-Fe3O4 has wide applications[1-2]. Monodispersitive particles, octahedron, nanorods, nanowires, nanochains, nanotubes, nanocone array, hollow microspheres, tridimensional superlattices, nanoflowers, and other nanostructure Fe3O4 have been prepared by all kinds of physical and/or chemical methods[3-5]. However, the preparation of two-dimensional nanopieces Fe3O4 was thought difficulty for its antispinel structure and inherent magnetism[6]. There is still little research on the certain morphology nano-Fe3O4 modifying tribological property of lubricating oil as its additive.
机译:1引言纳米结构金属的晶粒尺寸,形态,表面状态和微观结构直接影响其理化性质和应用。目前,形态控制的纳米金属合成及应用研究仍处于起步阶段。因此,它在其中具有深远的理论意义和应用价值。纳米Fe3O4具有与生物组织,电学和磁学性质的相容性,关系到其大小和形态,因此具有广泛的应用[1-2]。已经通过各种物理和/或化学方法制备了单分散颗粒,八面体,纳米棒,纳米线,纳米链,纳米管,纳米锥阵列,空心微球,三维超晶格,纳米花和其他纳米结构的Fe3O4 [3-5]。然而,人们认为制备二维纳米片Fe3O4的原因在于其抗尖晶石结构和固有的磁性[6]。纳米Fe3O4的某些形态改变润滑油添加剂的摩擦学性能的研究很少。



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