
Ricardo Martinez. M.D

机译:里卡多·马丁内斯(Ricardo Martinez)。博士

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Good morning. Thank you Minister Collenette, Ms. Pageot, Dr. Owings and all of you. I bring greetings from the United States Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater.rnSecretary Slater sends his regrets, but wants you to know that safety is his top priority and the top transportation priority in the United States. It is our North Star, by which we are guided in all our transportation decisions. He wishes you a successful and enlightening conference.rnWhat an exciting and most opportune time for us to come together. Vehicle safety is, and will always remain, a high priority for everyone in this room. But as we loom on the cusp of a new millennium, we must understand the challenges of today and turn them into the opportunities of tomorrow.
机译:早上好。谢谢Collenette部长,Pageot女士,Owings博士以及大家。我向美国运输部长罗德尼·S·拉特(Rodney E. Slater.rn)致以问候。这是我们的北极星,在我们的所有运输决策中都将以此为指导。他祝您会议圆满成功。多么令人兴奋和最合适的时机,我们聚会。对于这个房间里的每个人来说,车辆安全一直并将始终是头等大事。但是,当我们即将迎来新千年的风潮时,我们必须了解今天的挑战,并将其变成明天的机遇。



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