
BME-Y5V Materials Prepared by Solid State Technology


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In the field of Y5V multilayer capacitors the production share of parts with base metal electrodes (BME) has been increased tremendously since their first introduction ca. 10 years ago. There are projections that in 5 years the market for Y5V MLCs using noble metal electrodes will be negligible. dmc Electronic Materials has more than 7 years experience in industrial production of mixed oxide based BME-Y5V powders and was the first company to offer ready to use formulations to the MLC makers. In this paper we are going to describe the properties of dielectric powders for BME-Y5V MLCs for different dielectric layer thickness applications. Especially in order to allow the production of thinner dielectric layers to obtain higher volume capacities a new dielectric material will be presented that is in the final stages of development and will soon be released for evaluation at customers.
机译:在Y5V多层电容器领域,自贱金属电极(BME)首次引入以来,其零件的生产份额已大大提高。 10年前。预计在5年内使用贵金属电极的Y5V MLC的市场将是微不足道的。 dmc Electronic Materials在混合氧化物基BME-Y5V粉末的工业生产中拥有7年以上的经验,并且是第一家向MLC制造商提供即用型配方的公司。在本文中,我们将描述用于不同介电层厚度应用的BME-Y5V MLC介电粉末的性能。特别是为了允许生产更薄的介电层以获得更高的体积容量,将展示一种新的介电材料,该材料处于开发的最后阶段,并将很快发布以供客户评估。



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