首页> 外文会议>The 13th Pacific basin nuclear conference : Abstracts >Sustaining the Future: The Role of Nuclear Power in Meeting Future World Energy Needs

Sustaining the Future: The Role of Nuclear Power in Meeting Future World Energy Needs


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A description is given of recently informed analyses showing the potential that nuclear powerrnhas in meeting global energy demands. For both the electricity and transportation sectors, werncan quantify the beneficial effects on the environment, and we show how nuclear powerrndeserves credit for its role in assisting future world energy, environmental and economicrnsustainability.rnThe continuing expansion of the world's and Asia's energy needs, coupled with the need tornreduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and other emissions, will require new approaches for largescalernenergy production and use. This is particularly important for China and Asia withrnrespect to meeting both the energy demand and sustainability challenges. We show andrnexplore the role of nuclear power for large-scale energy applications, including electricityrnproduction and hydrogen for transportation. Advanced nuclear technologies, such as thosernlike CANDU's next generation ACR, can meet future global energy market needs, avoidrnemissions, and mitigate the potential for global climate change.rnWe use the latest IPCC Scenarios out to the year 2100 as a base case, but correct them tornexamine the sensitivity to large scale nuclear and hydrogen fuel penetration. We show arnsignificant impact of nuclear energy on energy market penetration, and in reducing GHGs andrnother emissions in the coming century, particularly in the industrial developing world and inrnAsia. This is achieved without needing emissions credits, as are used or needed as economicrnsupport for other sources, or for subsidies via emissions trading schemes.rnNuclear power offers the relatively emissions-free means, both to provide electricity forrntraditional applications and, by electrolytic production of hydrogen, to extend its use deep intornthe transportation sector. For the published IPCC Marker Scenarios for Asia we show thernreduction in GHG emissions when electrolysis using electricity from nuclear power assists thernintroduction of hydrogen as a fuel. Thus, nuclear energy assists in providing bothrnenvironmentally and socially sustainable global economic and energy growth.
机译:介绍了最近的分析,这些分析表明了核电在满足全球能源需求方面的潜力。对于电力和交通运输业,我们都可以量化对环境的有益影响,我们将展示核电在其协助未来世界能源,环境和经济可持续性方面的作用而应受到赞誉。rn世界和亚洲能源需求的持续扩大,以及减少温室气体(GHG)和其他排放物的需求将需要大规模生产和使用新方法。这对于中国和亚洲既要满足能源需求又要应对可持续性挑战尤为重要。我们展示并探索了核能在大规模能源应用中的作用,包括发电和运输用氢。先进的核技术,例如像CANDU的下一代ACR这样的核技术,可以满足未来全球能源市场的需求,避免排放,并减轻全球气候变化的潜力。我们以2100年的最新IPCC方案为基础,但要对其进行纠正tornexamine对大规模核燃料和氢燃料渗透的敏感性。我们显示出核能对能源市场渗透率的巨大影响,并在未来世纪尤其是在工业发展中世界和inrnAsia减少温室气体和其他排放方面产生了巨大影响。无需使用排放信用额度即可实现这一目标,排放信用额度既可以用作其他来源的经济支持,也可以通过排放权交易计划获得补贴。核能提供了相对无排放的手段,既可以提供传统的电力供应,也可以通过电解生产氢,以扩大其在交通运输领域的应用。对于已发布的《 IPCC亚洲标记方案》,我们展示了使用核能发电的电解辅助引入氢作为燃料时温室气体排放量的减少。因此,核能有助于提供环境和社会可持续的全球经济和能源增长。



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