首页> 外文会议>2018 12th South East Asian Technical University Consortium >From THIO to THIOCMP: The Development of Technology Assessment Concept Using Technometrics

From THIO to THIOCMP: The Development of Technology Assessment Concept Using Technometrics


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Technology presents as a key, which influences industry competitiveness. For that reason, it is necessary to measure its achievement. Technometrics involves quantitative measurement of the quality of technology, or sophistication of a product, process, groups of products or processes, or industry. Sharif developed technometrics from four components, namely THIO (Technoware-Humanware-Infoware-Orgaware). Along with the development of organizational needs, the concept of THIO was enhanced into THIOCMP, by added 3 components: C (Cysnetware), M (Manageware), and P (Partnerware). The present research discusses the development of the concept of technology assessment of THIO and THIOCMP from the point of view of literary studies, and analyzes computation based on empirical data by using technometrics. The results indicate that each addition of a component of technology results in the increase in value of contribution of the component along with higher sophistication degree. The development of components of technology from THIO to THIOCMP reveals that the enhancement of the contribution enables an increase in technology capabilities and in the end is expected to improve industry competitiveness.



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