首页> 外文会议>12th Americas Conference on Information Systems(AMCIS 2006) vol.2 >Groups Interacting with Information and Communication Technology: A Temporal Perspective

Groups Interacting with Information and Communication Technology: A Temporal Perspective


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Information and communication technology (ICT) alters the temporal conditions in which groups operate and transforms the way time is perceived, used, managed and disciplined in groups. A review of empirical research on groups interacting with ICT reveals that little research examines time per se as a variable of interest. This proposed research endeavors to examine (1) how the use of ICT is related to the temporal organization of groups' daily events and tasks, (2) how groups temporally organize tasks and events with and by IT, and (3) how groups interpret and perceive the temporal dimension of their work. A case study on the use of ICT in three groups of IT professionals engaged in distributed work will be conducted. The research will deepen the theoretical understanding of intricacies between time and ICT in group settings, and offer practical guidelines for implementing and designing distributed work arrangements.



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