首页> 中文会议>2011年中国智能自动化会议 >Trajectory tracking control for underactuated surface vessels using neural network

Trajectory tracking control for underactuated surface vessels using neural network


Aiming at the trajectory tracking control of rnunderactuated vessels with parameters uncertain and rnexternal disturbance rnproblems, a stable adaptive neural network control rnmethod is proposed. Based on the diffeomorphism rntransformation, the new rntracking variables are given. First, the kinematics rncontroller is designed to track the new variables and rnthe velocity command is rnproposed. Second, the dynamics controller using rnneural network method is designed to make the real rnvelocity of the underactuated rnsurface vessel reach the desired velocity command. rnAll the parameters' update laws are selected in terms rnof Lyapunov functions,rnwhich guarantee the closed-loop systems to be rnuniformly ultimately bounded (UUB). Finally, a rnnumerical simulation illustrates the rneffectiveness of the proposed control method.



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