首页> 外国专利> At nuclear power plants operating all over the world, 63 nuclides of radioactive materials, including tritiated water, which is the cooling water after cooling the reactor, are recovered without being dumped into the ocean. How to dispose.

At nuclear power plants operating all over the world, 63 nuclides of radioactive materials, including tritiated water, which is the cooling water after cooling the reactor, are recovered without being dumped into the ocean. How to dispose.

机译:在世界各地运营的核电站,63个放射性物质核素,包括氚化水,即冷却反应器后的冷却水,在不被倾倒到海洋中。 如何处理。


PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To recover and dispose of 63 nuclide radioactive substances including tritiated water, which is cooling water after cooling a nuclear reactor, without dumping it into the ocean. SOLUTION: Contaminated water of Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Station is used as a flake ice maker shown in FIG. 4, and has an irregular shape with a thickness of 1 mm to 1.5 mm and a size of 1 cm to 3 cm. After forming the flake ice, the flake ice is made of a thick cotton cloth such as jean, a ton bag made of other fibers and woven fabrics, a container with an opening, or a lid. Put the ton bag in a non-existent container and put the ton bag in a vacuum tank to make the inside vacuum. Tritiated water that is the flake ice shape (H 3 O) is extinguished and vaporized by sublimation. The radioactive substances of 62 nuclides, which are solidified inside the ton bag, are taken out from the contaminated water in a dried state, collected, and disposed of. [Selection diagram] FIG. 6
机译:要解决的问题:恢复和处理包括氚化水的63个核素放射性物质,在冷却核反应堆之后是冷却水的氚化水,而不会将其倾倒进入海洋。 溶液:福岛第1号核电站的污染水用作图1所示的片状制冰机。 如图4所示,具有不规则形状,厚度为1mm至1.5mm,尺寸为1厘米至3厘米。 在形成片冰后,剥落冰是由厚厚的棉布制成,如牛仔裤,由其他纤维和织物制成的吨袋,具有开口的容器或盖子。 将吨袋放入不存在的容器中,将吨袋放入真空罐中以使内部真空。 作为剥落冰形(H 3 O)的氚化水通过升华灭弧并蒸发。 62个核素的放射性物质在吨袋内固化,从污染的水中取出,在干燥的状态下,收集和处理。 [选择图]图。 6.



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