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Anthropometric data collection system and anthropometric data collection method



PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To flexibly set (customize) a measurement content, measure a plurality of physical characteristics using a plurality of measuring devices, and perform a comprehensive physical fitness test. SOLUTION: One aspect of the present invention is implemented in a subject information which is information peculiar to a subject, measurement mode information representing a measurement type and a measurement menu of a measuring device corresponding thereto, and a measurement menu. A code information generation unit that generates code information including exercise protocol information and transfer destination information that represent specific exercise content, a medium generation unit that generates a medium in which code information is embedded, and a medium generated by the medium generation unit. The measurement unit that reads the code information from and sets it to match the measurement mode information and exercise protocol information to acquire the measurement data, and the person to be measured and the measurement data to the predetermined transfer destination indicated by the transfer destination information. It is a body measurement data collection system including a communication unit for transmission and a storage unit for storing measurement data transmitted by the communication unit. [Selection diagram] Fig. 1
机译:要解决的问题:为了灵活设置(自定义)测量内容,使用多个测量装置测量多个物理特性,并执行综合物理健身测试。解决方案:本发明的一个方面是在对象信息中实现的,该主题信息是对对象特有的信息,测量模式信息表示测量类型的测量类型和测量装置的测量菜单,以及测量菜单。一种代码信息生成单元,其生成包括练习协议信息和表示特定锻炼内容的传输目的地信息的代码信息,该介质生成单元生成嵌入代码信息的介质的介质生成单元,以及由媒体生成单元产生的介质。从读取代码信息的测量单元将其设置为与测量模式信息和锻炼协议信息匹配以获取测量数据,并且要测量的人员以及由传输目的地信息指示的预定传送目的地的人数。它是一个身体测量数据收集系统,包括用于传输的通信单元和用于存储由通信单元发送的测量数据的存储单元。 [选择图]图1



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