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Implants for shaping, expanding, or correcting facial features such as the chin



PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To inject a hyaluronic acid-based composition useful for long-term facial shaping and correction of facial appearance for, for example, expanding and shaping a human chin tip, chin contour, or contour including nose. Devices are provided. Methods of treatment are also provided. The implant offers improved volume expansion and lift properties compared to other HA-based injection materials due to a combination of mechanical properties such as high elasticity and high cohesiveness, while still easy with fine needles. Can be injected into. [Selection diagram] None
机译:要解决的问题:注入用于长期面部成型和面部外观的基于透明质酸的组合物,例如,扩展和塑造人的下巴尖端,下巴轮廓或包括鼻子的轮廓。提供设备。还提供了治疗方法。由于机械性能(如高弹性和高凝聚力)的组合,植入物相比,植入物提供了改善的体积膨胀和提升性能,而不是诸如高弹性和高粘合性的机械性能的组合,同时仍然易于精细针。可以注射到。 [选择图]无



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