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An Improved Method of and Device for Cancelling the Action of Incorrect Groups of Holes when Setting Type or Matrices by Means of Register Bands.



15,738. Lean, C., [Schnellsetzmaschinen-Ges.]. July 24. Type, setting ; type-bar making machines; stereotype matrix &c. machines.-Relates to means for cancelling the action of incorrect groups of holes in perforated strips used for controlling automatic type or matrix-setting machines. A whole line, a word, or a single character can be cancelled by the use of different cancelling - signals. At the end of the cancelled part, the strip is brought into action again by an inserting-signal, which, in the case of a cancelled line, may be the usual line signal, and, in the case of a word, the word-space signal. In the arrangement described, the strip contains eleven lines of holes represented by the letters a to l, Fig. 6, each signal consisting of two holes. The holes in the strip act in known manner on eleven feeling- levers 4, Fig. 1, which close circuits between a conductor 3 connected with a battery 1 and a series of conductors 5. The conductors 5 are connected to electro-magnets 8 which attract switches 20 and close contacts 21. From the magnets 8, conductors 10 lead to electromagnets 25 which actuate the type-setting machine and release the types or matrices. Valve-cells 24 are placed in the circuits, and the magnets 8 are provided with duplicate windings to prevent backward rushes of current in known manner. The circuits are so arranged that any two holes in the strip cause a current to flow through one of the magnets 25 and back to the battery through a conductor 9. In order to cancel lines or words, the circuit is broken by means of switches 18, 14 respectively, which are operated by special signals in the strip. Each switch consists of a bar 51, Fig. 2, which has no fixed pivot but can turn about three contact-screws 54, 56, 57, and two set-screws 55, 58. The bar normally rests with its righthand end against the contact-screw 56, its other end being held down by a catch-leyer 61 against the pull of a spring 59. The current then passes from a terminal 68 through a wire 67, bar 51, and contact-screw 56. The line-cancelling signal i, k in the strip energizes an electro-magnet 63 which trips the lever 61 and releases the bar 51. The bar then leaves the contact 56 and is pulled by the spring 59 against the contact-screw 54 and setscrew 55. The circuit is thus broken and the following signals in the strip do not operate the machine. The line-signal i, l, which occurs at the end of the line, causes a current to flow through an electro-magnet 66 by way of wire 67, bar 51, and contact 54. The magnet 66 pulls down the bar 51 against the contact-screw 57 and set screw 58, the current still flowing through the magnet 66 by way of contact 57. The catch-lever 61 is then caused by a spring 64 to re-engage the end of the bar 51. When the line-signal ceases to act, the magnet 66 releases the bar 51 which is pulled by the spring 59 against the contact 56, thus re-making the main circuit. The switch 14, Fig. 1, for cancelling words is similarly operated. The circuit is broken by an electro-magnet 25 actuated by a special signal a, b in the strip. The word-space signal k, l at the end of the cancelled word re-makes the circuit by means of an electro-magnet 31. Single characters are cancelled by means of a similar switch 72, Fig. 5. When the circuit is broken by the magnet 80 actuated by the special signal, a current can still flow through the magnet 77 and resistance 76 but is so weakened that it cannot operate the magnets 25 of the machine. The signal to be cancelled is thus rendered inoperative but causes the magnet 77 to re-make the circuit so that the following signal is operative. When the strip is fed in the same direction in the perforating and type-setting machines, the cancelling signal must be made in front of the cancelled part either by hand or by suitable automatic means. In order to cancel words, a signal containing b, such as b, e, must be used for the word-spaces, the signal a being added to it to form the cancelling-signal. The signal k, l forms the inserting-signal as before.
机译:15,738。 Lean,C。,[Schnellsetzmaschinen-Ges。]。 7月24日。类型,设置;排字机;刻板印象矩阵&c。 -涉及取消用于控制自动类型或矩阵设置机器的穿孔条中不正确的孔组动作的装置。整行,一个单词或单个字符可以通过使用不同的取消信号来取消。在取消部分的末尾,通过插入信号使条带再次起作用,在取消行的情况下,该信号可能是通常的行信号,在单词的情况下,单词-空间信号。在所描述的布置中,该条带包含十一行孔,由图6中的字母a至l表示,每个信号包括两个孔。条带中的孔以已知方式作用在图1的十一个触感杆4上,该触感杆4闭合与电池1连接的导体3和一系列导体5之间的电路。导体5连接到电磁体8,电磁体8吸引开关20并闭合触点21。导体10从磁体8引到电磁体25,电磁体25驱动排版机并释放字体或矩阵。阀单元24放置在电路中,并且磁体8设置有重复的绕组,以防止电流以已知方式向后冲。电路布置成使得带中的任何两个孔都使电流流过磁体25中的一个,并通过导体9流回电池。为了消除线条或文字,电路通过开关18断开。 ,14分别通过带中的特殊信号进行操作。每个开关由图2所示的拉杆51组成,该拉杆没有固定的枢轴,但可以绕三个接触螺钉54、56、57和两个固定螺钉55、58转动。通常,该拉杆的右端靠在开关上。接触螺钉56,其另一端被弹簧夹61压住弹簧59的拉力。然后,电流从端子68穿过电线67,杆51和接触螺钉56。条带中的消除信号i,k激励电磁体63,电磁体63触发杠杆61并释放杆51。然后,杆离开触点56,并被弹簧59拉向触点螺钉54和固定螺钉55。因此,电路中断,带中的以下信号无法使机器运行。出现在线路末端的线路信号i,l导致电流通过导线67,线棒51和触点54流过电磁体66。磁铁66将线棒51拉向下方通过接触螺钉57和固定螺钉58,电流仍通过接触57流过磁体66。然后,弹簧64导致锁杆61与杆51的末端重新啮合。当信号停止作用时,磁铁66释放被弹簧59拉向触头56的拉杆51,从而重新制作主电路。图1的用于消除单词的开关14类似地被操作。电路被电磁带25破坏,电磁带25由带中的特殊信号a,b驱动。在被取消的单词的末尾的单词空间信号k,l通过电磁体31重新构成电路。通过类似的开关72(图5)消除单个字符。当电路断开时通过由特殊信号致动的磁体80,电流仍然可以流过磁体77和电阻76,但是被弱化以至于它不能操作机器的磁体25。因此使要消除的信号无效,但使磁体77重新构成电路,使得随后的信号有效。当带材在穿孔和排字机中以相同的方向进给时,必须用手或通过适当的自动装置在取消的零件前面发出取消信号。为了消除单词,必须将包含b(例如b,e)的信号用于单词空间,信号a被添加到单词空间以形成消除信号。信号k,l像以前一样形成插入信号。


  • 公开/公告号GB190815738A


  • 公开/公告日1909-05-13


  • 申请/专利权人 CLEMENT LEAN;


  • 发明设计人 CLEMENT LEAN;


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  • 入库时间 2022-08-24 15:33:22


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