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Improvements in Stretching Frames for Artists' Canvas, Drawing Paper, Embroidery Canvas, and the like.



26,706. Notelet, J., and Vincentelli, F. Nov. 20. Sewing, work-holders for.-Relates to stretching-frames for embroiderers' canvas &c. of the kind provided with grooves into which the canvas &c. is forced by means of laths or equivalents. (1) The laths are forced into the grooves by means of screw clamps, Fig. 11, comprising a bolt 16 provided with a wing-nut 17 and terminating in a hook 18 for engagement over the lath 6, or by means of spring clamps, Fig. 6, comprising a wood block 8 attached to a bent flat spring 7 and formed with a recess 9 to fit over the lath 6. The laths and clamps may be applied to rectangular frames of fixed size, or of variable size formed of interchangeable loose sides having mortise-and-tenon joints, or to rectangular frames made to fold in half, in which case the laths serve also to render rigid the opened frame; any of these frames may be strengthened by a cross stretcher-bar. (2) For elliptical frames, the stretching-laths are replaced by iron loops 11, Fig. 8, secured together by means of bolts 12 and wing-nuts 14. (3) For transporting fresh paintings &c. without damage, two frames are coupled together by means of U-shaped spring clamps 19, Fig. 10, furnished with wood blocks 20 having a central projection 21 to separate the frames.
机译:26,706。 Notelet,J。和Vincentelli,F.,11月20日。缝纫,缝纫工作台。-与绣花机帆布的伸展架有关。带有凹槽的类型的画布&c。通过板条或等效物被迫。 (1)通过螺丝夹将板条压入槽中,图11,其包括设有翼形螺母17并终止于钩子18的螺栓16以接合在板条6上,或者借助于弹簧夹如图6所示,其包括附接到弯曲的板簧7上并形成有凹部9以装配在板条6上的木块8。板条和夹具可以应用于固定尺寸的矩形框架,或者由可互换的松散侧面,具有榫-连接,或折叠成两半的矩形框架,在这种情况下,板条还可以使打开的框架变硬;这些框架中的任何一个都可以通过横向担架加强。 (2)对于椭圆形框架,拉伸板条由图8所示的铁圈11代替,该圈通过螺栓12和蝶形螺母14固定在一起。(3)用于运输新鲜的绘画&c。在没有损坏的情况下,两个框架通过图10所示的U形弹簧夹19连接在一起,该弹簧夹配有木块20,木块20带有一个中央凸起21,用于分隔框架。



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