首页> 外国专利> Improvements relating to automatic potentiometers and like balancing arrangements and applications thereof

Improvements relating to automatic potentiometers and like balancing arrangements and applications thereof



399,641. Current and pressure meters; potentiometers ; resistance measurements. PROSSER, L. E., National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. Aug. 25, 1932, No. 23812. [Class 37.] In an automatic potentiometer or like balancing arrangement any current or voltage representing out of balance automatically varies the current in a mechanically unchanged balancing or potentiometer circuit until balance is restored. As shown in Fig. 1, the voltage e to be measured is balanced against the potential drop across a standard resistance R in the anode circuit of a valve V. Lack of balance operates a reflecting astatic galvanometer G in one direction or the other so as to illuminate one or other of two light-sensitive cells PI, P2 which control the grid potential of the valve V, rapid changes of potential being prevented by a condenser C. The anode current is thus automatically varied until balance is obtained, and is measured on a milliammeter A, the voltage e being calculated from the known value of the resistance R. Stops are fitted to limit the travel of the galvanometer mirror so that the light beam is incapable of falling clear of both cells P1, P2. One of the cells P1, P2 may be replaced by a resistance. In a modification, Fig. 2, the galvanometer and lightsensitive cells are replaced by a polarized relay M, which controls the current through resist'- ances L1, L2 and thereby the grid potential of the valve V. The galvanometer G, Fig. 1, may be replaced by an electrometer, opposite quadrants of which are. connected together. The voltage e may be compared with a second voltage of approximately equal value tapped off from a normal potentiometer, the resistance R forming part of the potentiometer circuit. This arrangement may be employed for measuring deviations of temperature in a thermostatically controlled furnace. A relay controlling a portion of the heating current of the furnace mav be inserted in the anode circuit. By using one or more large valves or thyrotrons in parallel the anode currents may be used directly for furnace heating. Fig. 5 shows a modification for recording' small changes of resistance. The varying resistance R is balanced in a Kelvin bridge K, the galvanometer G of which controls the light-sensitive cells P1, P2. The anode current of the valve V passes through a portion p of the standard resistance P of the bridge. A small change in the resistance R upsets the balance of the anode current flowing through the part p of the bridge, which is restored by a change in the resistance P. This current is measured on the milliammeter A and is proportional to the change in the resistance R. In the construction shown in Fig. 6, a light-sensitive cell P is connected in the potentiometer circuit, the current in which is directly increased or decreased by the beam of light from the galvanometer G. The cell P mav be of the selenium type, and may be shunted by a resistance Sh to obtain greater current. Several cells may be employed, all being affected by the light beam. One or more light-sensitive cells may be employed for direct variation of the resistance of the balancing circuit, or reflected heat may be employed to vary the resistance thermally.
机译:399,641。电流和压力表;电位器;电阻测量。 PROSSER,L。E.,国家物理实验室,米德尔塞克斯州特丁顿。 1932年8月25日,编号23812。[等级37]在自动电位计或类似的平衡装置中,代表不平衡状态的任何电流或电压都会自动改变机械上未改变的平衡或电位计电路中的电流,直到恢复平衡为止。如图1所示,待测电压e与阀V的阳极电路中的标准电阻R两端的电位降保持平衡。不平衡会使反射式静态振镜G沿一个方向或另一个方向运行,为了照亮控制阀V的栅极电势的两个光敏电池P1,P2中的一个或另一个,电容器C阻止了电势的快速变化。因此,阳极电流自动变化直到获得平衡并进行测量在毫安表A上,电压e是根据电阻R的已知值计算的。安装了挡块以限制检流计镜的行进,从而使光束无法脱离两个单元P1,P2。单元P1,P2之一可以被电阻代替。在图2的修改中,检流计和光敏电池由极化继电器M代替,该极化继电器M控制流经电阻L1,L2的电流,从而控制流经阀V的栅极电势。检流计G,图1可以用静电计代替,静电计的象限相对。连接在一起。可以将电压e与从常规电位计分接的近似等于第二值的第二电压进行比较,电阻R形成电位计电路的一部分。该布置可用于测量恒温炉中的温度偏差。可以将控制炉子加热电流的一部分的继电器插入阳极电路中。通过并联使用一个或多个大的阀门或晶闸管,阳极电流可直接用于炉子加热。图5示出了用于记录电阻的小变化的修改。变化的电阻R在开尔文电桥K中平衡,该电桥的振镜G控制感光单元P1,P2。阀V的阳极电流流过电桥的标准电阻P的一部分p。电阻R的微小变化会破坏流过电桥部分p的阳极电流的平衡,该电流会通过电阻P的变化而恢复。该电流是在毫安表A上测得的,并且与电流的变化成正比。在图6所示的结构中,一个光敏电池P连接在电位计电路中,其中电流通过检流计G发出的光束直接增加或减少。硒类型,可以与电阻Sh分流以获得更大的电流。可以采用几个单元,所有单元都受到光束的影响。可以采用一个或多个光敏电池来直接改变平衡电路的电阻,或者可以采用反射热量来热改变电阻。


  • 公开/公告号GB399641A


  • 公开/公告日1933-10-12




  • 发明设计人


  • 分类号G01R17/02;

  • 国家 GB

  • 入库时间 2022-08-24 07:21:03


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