首页> 外国专利> Benzothiazole azo compounds containing a reactive methylene coupling component, metal complexes thereof and materials dyed or coloured therewith

Benzothiazole azo compounds containing a reactive methylene coupling component, metal complexes thereof and materials dyed or coloured therewith



Trifluoroacetoacetanilide is prepared by reacting aniline with ethyl trifluoracetoacetate in the presence of triethanolamine, ethanol, and xylene.ALSO:The invention comprises monoazo dyestuffs of formula FORM:0827655/IV(c)/1 wherein Ar is a substituted or unsubstituted o-phenylene radical, E is -CN, R.NH.CO-, or Q1-CO-, and E1 is respectively X.Co-, Q.CO-, and Y.CO-; and in the above groups R is a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl or naphthyl radical, Q1 is CH3O- or C2H5O-, X is a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl, naphthyl, phenylamino or styryl radical and Q and Y are -CF3 or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl radical and Q also may be CH3-; and metal complexes thereof. The dyes are prepared by diazotizing a suitable 2-aminobenzothiazole and coupling with a reactive methylene compound having the groups E and E1, as defined above, linked to the methylene group. Specified diazo components other than those in examples are 2-amino-6-ethyl- or -n-propyl or -n-butyl-sulphonyl-, 2-amino-6-N-methyl- or -n-propyl- or -n-butyl-sulphon-amido-, 2-amino-6-n-propoxy- or -n-butoxy-, 2 - amino - 6 - methyl- or -ethyl- or -n-propyl- or -n-butyl-, 2-amino-6-b -hydroxyethyl-or -g -hydroxypropyl- or -d -hydroxybutyl-, 2-amino-6-acetylamino- or -n-propionylamino- or -n-butyrylamino-, 2-amino-6-thiocyano- and 2 - amino - 4:7 - diethoxy - benzothiazole. Specified coupling components other than those in examples are trifluoroacetoacet-2-methoxyor -methyl- or -chloro-anilide, trifluoracetoacet4-chloro- or -nitro-anilide, cyanoacet-2- or -4-methyl- or -chloro-anilide, p-nitro- or -o- or p-chloro- or -o-methyl- or -methoxy-benzoyl-acetonitrile, methyl p - nitrobenzoyl - acetate, methyl or ethyl benzoylacetate, and p-nitro- or o - chloro - or-methyl - cinnamoylacetonitrile. Specified metals which may be used to form the metal complexes are nickel, cobalt, copper, chromium, manganese, iron and vanadium and a wide variety of salts of these metals are specified as metallizing agents. The metallization is preferably carried out in organic solvents such as cellulose acetate, cellulose acetate-propionate, polyacrylonitriles, polyamides, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether and formamide. The dyes and their metal complexes may be used to dye cellulose esters, polyacrlonitriles, polyamides, polyesters and silk or wool in yellow, orange, red and brown shades. In examples: (1) 2-amino - 6 - methylsulphonyl - benzothiazole is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid and diazotized by the addition of sodium nitrite and the mixture is added to a cooled solution of acetoacet-2-methyl- or -methoxy-anilide or acetoacet - 2:4 - dimethylanilide in propionicacetic (1:5) acids to give a yellow monoazo dye; (2) 2-amino-6-methoxybenzthiazole is diazotized with sodium nitrite in a mixture of sulphuric, acetic and propionic acids and the mixture is coupled with a solution of acetoacetanilide or benzoylacetonitrile in propionicacetic (1:5) acids to give the monoazo dyestuff and 2-amino-4-methoxybenzothiazole and benzoylacetonitrile are also used in the reaction; (3) 2-amino-6-nitrobenzothiazole --- benzoylacetonitrile as in (1); (4) the dyestuffs obtained in the above examples are metallized by heating in ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, formamide or acetone under alkaline conditions with nickel acetate or thiocyanate; (5) a cellulose acetate fabric is dyed with the dyestuff 2-amino-6-methylsulphonylbenzthiazole --- acetoacet-2-methoxyanilide padded with a solution of nickel thiocyanate and treated in the usual way to form the nickel complex of the dye on the fibre; (6) as in (5) the dye 2-amino-6-methoxybenzthiazole --- acetoacetanilide is treated with cobalt thiocyanate on a cellulose acetate fibre; (7) as in (5) but the dyed fabric is treated with a mixture of copper sulphate and a ureaformaldehyde resin. A Table is given wherein the preparation of dyes from the following additional components and their conversion into metal complexes is specified; diazo components:-2 - aminobenzothiazole, 2 - amino - 6-cyano- or -N-ethylsulphonamido- or -chloro-or - ethoxy - or - methylthio - or - trifluoro - methyl - benzothiazole, 2 - amino - 5 - meth - oxybenzothiazole, 2-amino-4:7 - or -5:6 - dimethoxybenzothiazole and 2-amino-4:6 - dimethylbenzothiazole; coupling components:-acetoacet-4-chloro- or -methoxy- or -nitro- or -b -hydroxyethyl-anilide, acetoacet - 2:4 - dichloroanilide, acetoacet - 3 - methylolanilide, 2 - acetoacetonaphthalide, cyanoacet - 4 - nitroanilide, benzoylacet - (4 - benzamido - 2:5 - dimethoxy) - anilide, 2 - cyanoacetonaphthalene, m - nitrobenzoylacetonitrile and ethyl p-nitro-benzoyl-acetate, and methyl trifluoro-aceto-acetate. Specifications 764,296, 764,297, 764,298, 781,435 and 816,396 are referred to.ALSO:Metal complexes of monazo dyestuffs containing benzothiazole residues (see Group IV (c)) are prepared on cellulose ester materials by adding the metallizing agent to the dope, spinning or casting, a yarn, fibre, or film, and then treating the fibre &c. with the nonmetallized monoazo dye. The metallizing agent may be a salt of chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, or vanadium. In an example, a cellulose acetate yarn containing chromic chloride which has been incorporated in the spinning dope is dyed with the dyestuff 2-amino - 6 - methoxybenzthiazole -- acetoacetanilide and the metal complex is formed on the yarn. Alternatively, the metallized or non-metallized organic azo compound may be added to a cellulose ester dope which is then formed into filaments or films, and these may be treated to convert the dye to the metal complex if required. Specification 816,396 is referred to.
机译:通过在三乙醇胺,乙醇和二甲苯存在下使苯胺与三氟乙酰乙酸乙酯反应来制备三氟乙酰乙酰苯胺。ALSO:本发明包括式的单偶氮染料,其中Ar是取代或未取代的o-亚苯基,E是-CN,R.NH.CO-或Q1-CO-,和E1分别是X.Co-,Q.CO-和Y.CO-;在上述基团中,R为取代或未取代的苯基或萘基,Q1为CH3O-或C2H5O-,X为取代或未取代的苯基,萘基,苯氨基或苯乙烯基,Q和Y为-CF3或取代或未取代苯基和Q也可以是CH 3-;及其金属配合物。通过将合适的2-氨基苯并噻唑重氮化并与具有连接至亚甲基的具有如上定义的基团E和E1的反应性亚甲基化合物偶联来制备染料。除了实施例中的那些以外,特定的重氮组分是2-氨基-6-乙基或-正丙基或-正丁基-磺酰基-,2-氨基-6-N-甲基-或-正丙基-或-n。 -丁基-磺酰胺基-,2-氨基-6-正丙氧基-或-正丁氧基-,2-氨基-6-甲基-或-乙基或-正丙基或-正丁基-, 2-氨基-6-b-羟乙基或-g-羟丙基-或-d-羟丁基-,2-氨基-6-乙酰氨基-或-n-丙酰基氨基-或-n-丁酰基氨基-,2-氨基-6-硫氰基和2-氨基-4:7-二乙氧基-苯并噻唑。除实例中的那些外,指定的偶合组分是三氟乙酰乙酸-2-甲氧基或-甲基或-氯苯胺,三氟乙酰乙酸4-氯-或-硝基苯胺,氰基乙酰-2-或-4-甲基-或-氯苯胺,p -硝基-或-邻-或对氯-或-邻甲基-或-甲氧基-苯甲酰基-乙腈,甲基对-硝基苯甲酰基-乙酸酯,甲基或乙基苯甲酰基乙酸酯和对-硝基-或邻-氯-或-甲基-肉桂酰基乙腈。可用于形成金属配合物的特定金属是镍,钴,铜,铬,锰,铁和钒,这些金属的各种盐被指定为金属化剂。金属化优选在有机溶剂如乙酸纤维素,乙酸丙酸纤维素,聚丙烯腈,聚酰胺,乙二醇单甲醚和甲酰胺中进行。染料及其金属络合物可用于以黄色,橙色,红色和棕色的颜色对纤维素酯,聚丙烯腈,聚酰胺,聚酯和丝绸或羊毛进行染色。在实施例中:(1)将2-氨基-6-甲基磺酰基-苯并噻唑溶解在浓硫酸中,并通过加入亚硝酸钠重氮化,然后将混合物加入到冷却的乙酰乙酸-2-甲基-或-甲氧基-苯胺溶液中。或在丙乙酸(1:5)酸中的乙酰乙酸-2:4-二甲基苯胺生成黄色单偶氮染料;或(2)2-亚氨基-6-甲氧基苯并噻唑在硫酸,乙酸和丙酸的混合物中用亚硝酸钠重氮化,并将该混合物与乙酰乙酸苯胺或苯甲酰基乙腈在丙乙酸(1:5)中的溶液偶联,得到单偶氮染料反应中还使用2-氨基-4-甲氧基苯并噻唑和苯甲酰基乙腈。 (3)如(1)中的2-氨基-6-硝基苯并噻唑->苯甲酰基乙腈; (4)在上述实施例中获得的染料是通过在碱性条件下与乙酸镍或硫氰酸镍在乙二醇单甲醚,甲酰胺或丙酮中加热而金属化的; (5)用染料2-氨基-6-甲基磺酰基苯并噻唑->乙酰乙酸-2-甲氧基苯胺填充有硫氰酸镍的溶液,将乙酸纤维素织物染色,并按常规方法处理以形成染料的镍络合物。纤维; (6)如(5)中所述,将2-氨基-6-甲氧基苯并噻唑→乙酰乙酰苯胺染料用乙酸纤维素纤维上的硫氰酸钴处理。 (7)与(5)相同,但是将染色的织物用硫酸铜和脲醛树脂的混合物处理。给出了一个表格,其中说明了由下列附加组分制备染料及其转化成金属络合物的方法。重氮组分:-2-氨基苯并噻唑,2-氨基-6-氰基-或-N-乙基磺酰胺基-或-氯-或-乙氧基-或-甲硫基-或-三氟-甲基-苯并噻唑,2-氨基-5-甲基-氧苯并噻唑,2-氨基-4:7或-5:6-二甲氧基苯并噻唑和2-氨基-4:6-二甲基苯并噻唑;偶合组分:-乙酰乙酰基-4-氯-或-甲氧基-或-硝基-或-b-羟乙基-苯胺,乙酰乙酰基-2:4-二氯苯胺,乙酰乙酰基-3-羟甲基苯胺,2-乙酰乙酰萘,氰基乙酰基-4-硝基苯胺,苯甲酰乙酸-(4-苯甲酰胺-2:5-二甲氧基)-苯胺,2-氰基乙酰萘,间硝基苯甲酰基乙腈和对硝基苯甲酰基乙酸乙酯,以及三氟乙酰乙酸甲酯。参照规格764,296、764,297、764,298、781,435和816,396.ALSO:在纤维素酯材料上通过将金属化剂添加到浓液中,纺丝或流延制备含苯并噻唑残基的单偶氮染料的金属络合物(见第IV(c)组)。 ,纱线,纤维或薄膜,然后处理纤维&c。与非金属化的单偶氮染料。金属化剂可以是铬,钴,铜,铁,锰,镍或钒的盐。在一个实例中,将已经掺入纺丝原液中的包含氯化铬的醋酸纤维素纱用染料2-氨基-6-甲氧基苯并噻唑→乙酰乙苯胺染色,并且在该纱上形成金属络合物。或者,可以将金属化或非金属化的有机偶氮化合物添加到纤维素酯浓液中,然后将其形成丝或膜,并且如果需要,可以将它们处理以将染料转化为金属络合物。参考规范816396。


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