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magnetverstaerker to back-up weak steady gleichstromsignale



879,800. Magnetic amplifiers. UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY. May 25, 1959 [June 4, 1958], No. 17924/58. Class 40 (9). Stages other than the first of a cascade magnetic amplifier have main and auxiliary cores, spaced alternating power pulses being applied to both cores interleaved by spaced alternating push-pull input pulses which induce no net voltage in the power circuit, an A.C. reset flux being applied to the auxiliary core the crests of which are suppressed in coincidence with the input pulses and the zero-point inflexions of which coincide with or closely follow the power pulses. The first stage shown in Fig. 1 also comprises main and auxiliary cores 1 and 2 with a slowly varying reversible D.C. input to windings 3 and 4 and an alternating pulse power supply to winding 5 of the main core 1 with the waveform shown in Fig. 2. Series-connected windings 6 and 7 on cores 1 and 2 are energized by A.C. the zero-point inflexions of which coincide with or closely pursue the power pulses and the amplitude of which is such as will switch core 1 half the length of its hysteresis loop. Application of the A.C. to core 2 as well as core 1 ensures that there is no net coupling with the input windings 3 and 4. In the absence of an input signal a power pulse of one polarity in winding 5 fires core 1 of the first stage and the subsequent half-cycle of A.C. in winding 6 sets the core to the centre of its loop ; the next power pulse is of opposite polarity and fires core 1 the other way while the next half-cycle of A.C. in winding 6 sets the core back to the centre of the loop, and so on. When an imput is applied the core is set off centre and the firing angles increase and decrease to complementary extents with respect to the power pulses of one polarity and the other. High impedance in the power circuit is presented to slowing varying flux changes between power pulses by the resistor capacitor combination. In the second stage, alternating power pulses in winding 10, each of which follows in quadrature a like polarity signal pulse in winding 3, fire core 1, at angles determined by the extent to which the core is set by the output of winding 5 in the first stage. The auxiliary cores 2 of the second stage has a winding 12 energized by a reset waveform which is such that winding 12 is momentarily de-energized at the crest of an A.C. waveform so as to allow input to windings 3 and 4 to set both cores 1 and 2 thus producing equal and opposite voltages in series-connected power windings 10 and 11. Winding 12 is then re-energized to set core 2 to saturation in a direction such that the next power pulse in winding 11 meets low impedance, and is then saturated in reverse before the next oppositely poled input pulse is received in winding 4. By this means the power pulse circuit is decoupled from the input circuit. Discharge of capacitor 13 in the power circuit is made slow enough so as not to overcome the coercive force of the cores. Further stages take the form of stage 12 and may use cores of increasing weight. The last stage may energize a balanced bridge to give a reversible D.C. output. The power pulses and the gapped A.C. wavetrains may be generated by the circuit of Fig. 5 in which A.C. switches the saturable cores associated with windings 21 and 22, pulses being picked off by winding 25. By connecting the pulse output in opposition to the A.C. over a linear transformer 29 the gapped A.C. is generated. Specification 798,416 is referred to.
机译:879,800。磁放大器。联合王国原子能机构。 1959年5月25日[1958年6月4日],第17924/58号。 40级(9)。除级联磁放大器中的第一个放大器外,其他各级都有主磁芯和辅助磁芯,通过交替的交替推挽输入脉冲将间隔交替的交流电源脉冲施加到两个磁芯,从而在电源电路中不产生净电压,并施加了交流复位磁通辅助磁芯的顶峰与输入脉冲同时被抑制,其零点弯曲与功率脉冲一致或紧随其后。图1所示的第一级还包括主铁心和辅助铁心1和2,其具有缓慢变化的可逆直流输入到绕组3和4,以及向主铁心1的绕组5提供交流脉冲电源,其波形如图1所示。 2.铁芯1和2上的串联绕组6和7由交流电供电,交流电的零点拐点与电源脉冲一致或紧密追随,其幅值将使铁心1的一半长度变化。磁滞回线。将AC施加到铁心2以及铁心1上可确保与输入绕组3和4不存在净耦合。在没有输入信号的情况下,绕组5中一个极性的电源脉冲会激发第一级铁心1。绕组6中随后的交流半个周期将磁芯置于其环路的中心;下一个电源脉冲的极性相反,并以另一种方式发射铁芯1,而绕组6中交流电的下一个半周期将铁芯回到回路中心,依此类推。当施加脉冲时,磁芯偏离中心,并且发射角相对于一种极性和另一种极性的功率脉冲增大和减小到互补的程度。电源电路中的高阻抗可通过电阻器电容器组合来减缓电源脉冲之间的通量变化。在第二阶段中,绕组10中的交变功率脉冲,每个绕组以相同的极性正交于绕组3(火芯)1中的极性信号脉冲,其角度取决于由绕组5 in的输出决定铁芯的程度。第一阶段。第二级的辅助芯2具有由复位波形激励的绕组12,该复位波形使得绕组12在AC波形的波峰处瞬时断电,以允许输入到绕组3和4以设置两个芯1。从而在串联的电源绕组10和11中产生相等和相反的电压。然后对绕组12重新通电,以使磁芯2在一个方向上饱和,使得绕组11中的下一个电源脉冲满足低阻抗,然后在绕组4中接收到下一个相反极性的输入脉冲之前,将其反向饱和。通过这种方式,电源脉冲电路与输入电路解耦。使电源电路中的电容器13的放电足够缓慢,以免克服铁心的矫顽力。进一步的阶段采用阶段12的形式,并且可以使用重量增加的芯。最后一级可激励平衡电桥以提供可逆的直流输出。功率脉冲和带间隙的交流电波形可由图5的电路生成,其中交流电切换与绕组21和22相关联的可饱和磁芯,脉冲被绕组25拾取。通过与交流电相反地连接脉冲输出在线性变压器29上产生有间隙的AC。参考规格798,416。


  • 公开/公告号DE000001132595A


  • 公开/公告日1962-07-05






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  • 入库时间 2022-08-23 17:51:35


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