首页> 外国专利> Procedure for the manufacture of aqueous disciples of baris polysulphide. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)

Procedure for the manufacture of aqueous disciples of baris polysulphide. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)

机译:制备多硫化巴里斯水弟子的程序。 (通过Google翻译进行机器翻译,没有法律约束力)


"PROCEDURE FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF AQUEOUS DISSOLUTIONS OF BARIS POLYSULPHIDE"; characterized by consisting mainly of reacting hot a mixture of 60 parts of barium sulphide with 40 parts of sulfur and the amount of water necessary to obtain a final solution, which does not exceed the concentration of 32 degrees Bº, filtration of the solution once cold, sheltered from the air and packed in airtight bottles, without leaving in them an air chamber. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)
机译:“生产聚硫化钡的水溶液的方法”;其主要特征是:使60份硫化钡与40份硫和一定量的水的混合物热反应,以获得不超过32Bº浓度的最终溶液,冷却后过滤该溶液,避开空气,装在气密的瓶子中,而不要在其中留有气室。 (通过Google翻译进行机器翻译,没有法律约束力)



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