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schaltungsanordnung for the comparison of distributions of two ungleichnamiger electrical potentials, especially in fernsprechvermittlungsanlagen



989,336. Automatic exchange systems. ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. July 3, 1961 [July 18, 1960], No. 25065/60. Heading H4K. In an automatic exchange, switching equip. ment is organized in sections, via any one of which a subscriber can gain access to links over a plurality of routes, a connection being set up via a route in a section, a link and another route in a section (the two sections may be different but in the detailed embodiment the same section is used on both sides of the link which is thus associated with the section, so that in effect each section forms a self-contained exchange capable of setting up any call). Control equipment on receipt of the identities of the calling and called line examines all sections and selects a free route in each section. The control equipment also examines traffic conditions in all the sections and selects a suitable section on the basis of these conditions and selects an appropriate link which is used together with the selected routes in the selected sections to complete the call. As shown, Fig. 5, m sections are provided each capable of providing a connection between any pair of subscribers. Each section is divided into x units each unit being divided into n groups of line connector switches L/C. Each group of connector switches comprises r connector switches giving access to a group of subscribers lines. All the connector switches of a unit are reached by group connectors G/C. The group connectors are interconnected by links such as L1-1, L1-x, Lx-x, the first and last being used for intra-group connections and the middle one for inter-group connections. The link circuits may contain the feed-bridges and the connections between the calling and called side are symmetrical about the links. In a typical 10,000 line exchange the switches are all 100-point switches. With m = 4, n=20, r=5, x=5, each unit serves 2,000 lines using 5 x 20 line connectors L/C to which access is had from the 100 outlet group connector switches. A group of links is provided for each inter-group or intra-group possibility. For equalizing traffic each 100 group of subscribers lines may be divided into two sub-groups P, Q the first sub-group lying in the same unit in all sections, but the second sub-group having a slipped multiple whereby they occur in different units in the different sections. When the select and control equipment has the information necessary to set up a call it chooses a section which can most conveniently set up the call, on the basis e.g. of which section has most free links at the time; or to avoid taking last choice switches into use until all other sections have only last choice switches. In a T.D.M. system the choice of section might be on the basis of the most advantageous pulse position available. Alternatively, the sections may be taken into use in accordance with a priority scheme. The detailed description relates to a system of the first type. General method of operation, Fig. 6.-Each group of lines LL is provided with a start circuit ST, operable when a line is calling to cause an allotter AL to seize a dial path DP which causes a register hunter RH to seize a face register REG and a line hunter LH to find the calling line. On the basis of the setting of LH and the group to which the hunter belongs the calling line identity is registered in REG. The register also receives the dialled digits over the dial path DP. When a significant number of digits has been received by the register, it is coupled under control of a scanning circuit RSC to a line location identifier LI, when this is free, and passes thereto the called and calling subscribers' identities. The identifier then passes to the route selectors Rs of all sections the first two digits of the called and calling subscribers and information as to whether they belong to P or Q sub-groups. The route selectors then determine the identities of the line groups concerned and hence also the units concerned and thus the group of links which has to be used. The route selectors are fed with the free or busy conditions of all the line connectors and select a free one in each of the line groups concerned. A traffic summator TS receives the free or busy condition of all the links in all the groups over wires w and selects the wires w for the inter- or intra-unit connection required and feeds their outputs to a selector SS. This output is inhibited if the group concerned has no free line connector. The selector SS has TS inputs from all sections and selects that section which has most free links suitable for the connection. In the route selector for the selected section a controller selector CS knowing the group of inter-unit links required selects a free ring and tone circuit (one of RTA ... RTC) capable of serving this group. This circuit takes into use a controller LOC which is then fed with the identities of the link group and the necessary settings of the group connectors and line connectors. The link group identity is used to mask corresponding outlets in the switch CSL which thereupon hunts to connect a free link to the ring and tone circuit in question. The control circuit LOC then causes the group and line connectors to be set by the revertive impulsing method and then leaves the connection under control of the ring and tone circuit until the called party answers or the caller hangs up. The ring and tone circuit leaves the call under control of the link circuit if the called party answers. Inter-exchange calls .-Junctions are connected directly to group connectors. Calls to such junctions are set up under control of trunk controller TRC in a similar manner to that described above, but without the use of ring and tone controllers. The circuit LI contains a translator TX for determining the position of the required outgoing junction and the routeing digits to be sent. The trunk controller TRC does not immediately switch through since this would release the register and there may be further digits to be sent. The trunk controller instead waits until the end of the next interdigital pause, sends out such digits as it has received, signals its own identity to the register which then dissociates itself from the connection until it receives its full quota of digits. The register, knowing the identity of the trunk controller, may now reassociate itself therewith to pass the remaining digits. Changed number calls.-The translator may contain means whereby the location of the subscribers line or the line connectors can be changed without changing the subscribers' directory number. PBX lines.-The translator TX may also be enabled to recognize PBX numbers and being fed with the free or busy conditions of all PBX lines may make a choice of a free line and inform the route selectors accordingly. A special signal is however sent to the controllers to ensure that should an indicated PBX line meanwhile become busy whilst the setting up is taking place, busy tone will not be sent and that the register will again try to set up the call to another PBX line. Detailed circuits are provided, the selectors being motor controlled uniselectors and the controlling equipment being a high speed electronic arrangement. In a modification the selection of the section takes place at the line terminals, each line being connected to a cross-point device such as a cross-bar switch having outlets leading to different sections. In a further embodiment in which the sections are constituted by T.D.M. systems, each line could be connected to gates to a number of T.D.M. highways. Specifications 989,338, 989,339 and 989,340 are referred to.
机译:989,336。自动交换系统。联合电气工业有限公司1961年7月3日[1960年7月18日],编号25065/60。标题H4K。在自动交换设备中。分段组织,用户可以通过其中的任何一条访问多条路径上的链接,连接是通过部分中的一条路由,一条链接和部分中的另一条路由建立的(两个部分可以是不同的是,但是在详细的实施例中,在链路的两侧使用了相同的部分,因此与该部分相关联,从而实际上每个部分形成了能够建立任何呼叫的自包含交换机。控制设备在收到主叫线路和被叫线路的标识后会检查所有部分,并在每个部分中选择一条空闲路线。控制设备还检查所有路段的交通状况,并根据这些条件选择一个合适的路段,并选择一个合适的链接,该链接与所选路段中的所选路线一起使用以完成呼叫。如图5所示,提供了m个部分,每个部分都能够提供任何一对订户之间的连接。每个部分分为x个单位,每个单位又分为n组线路连接器开关L / C。每组连接器开关包括r个连接器开关,这些连接器开关可访问一组用户线。组连接器G / C可以到达单元的所有连接器开关。组连接器通过诸如L1-1,L1-x,Lx-x之类的链接互连,第一个和最后一个用于组内连接,中间的一个用于组间连接。链接电路可能包含馈送桥,并且主叫侧和被叫侧之间的连接关于链接是对称的。在一个典型的10,000线交换机中,这些交换机都是100点交换机。在m = 4,n = 20,r = 5,x = 5的情况下,每个单元使用5 x 20线路连接器L / C服务2,000条线路,从100个插座组连接器开关可以访问。为每个组间或组内可能性提供一组链接。为了使业务量相等,可以将每100组用户线路分为两个子组P,Q,第一个子组在所有部分中都位于同一单元中,但是第二个子组具有滑移倍数,因此它们以不同的单元出现在不同的部分。当选择和控制设备必须建立它选择能够最方便地建立呼叫段的呼叫,在此基础上如所需的信息哪个部分当时有最多免费链接;或者避免在其他所有部分都只有最后选择开关之前使用最后选择开关。在T.D.M.系统的截面选择可能基于可用的最有利的脉冲位置。可替代地,可以根据优先级方案来使用这些部分。详细描述涉及第一类型的系统。通用操作方法,图6-每组线LL都设有启动电路ST,当线路正在呼叫以使分配器AL占用拨号路径DP时,启动电路ST可操作,该拨号路径DP使寄存器搜寻器RH占用面部寄存器REG和寻线器LH找到呼叫线路。根据LH的设置和猎人所属的组,在REG中注册呼叫线路身份。寄存器还通过拨号路径DP接收拨号数字。当寄存器接收到大量数字时,在空闲时,它在扫描电路RSC的控制下耦合到线路位置标识符LI,并向其传递被叫方和主叫方的身份。然后,标识符将被叫和主叫用户的前两位数字以及有关它们是否属于P或Q子组的信息传递给所有部分的路由选择器Rs。然后,路由选择器确定相关线路组的标识,并因此确定相关单元,从而确定必须使用的链接组。为路由选择器提供所有线路连接器的忙/闲状态,并在每个相关的线路组中选择一个空闲线路。业务量求和器TS通过导线w接收所有组中所有链路的空闲或繁忙状态,并选择导线w用于所需的单元间或单元内连接,并将其输出馈送到选择器SS。如果相关组没有自由线连接器,则禁止该输出。选择器SS具有所有部分的TS输入,并选择具有最适合连接的自由链接的那个部分。在选定部分的路由选择器中,控制器选择器CS知道所需的单元间链路组,从而选择一个能够为该组服务的空闲铃音电路(RTA ... RTC中的一个)。该电路使用了控制器LOC,然后向该控制器提供链接组的标识以及组连接器和线路连接器的必要设置。链路组标识用于掩盖交换机CSL中的相应出口,随后搜寻该出口以将空闲链路连接到所讨论的振铃和音频电路。然后,控制电路LOC使组和线路连接器通过可逆冲动方法进行设置,然后使连接处于振铃和音频电路的控制之下,直到被叫方应答或呼叫者挂断。如果被叫方应答,则铃音电路在链接电路的控制下离开呼叫。交换机间呼叫.-Junctions直接连接到组连接器。在中继线控制器TRC的控制下,以与上述类似的方式建立对此类联结的呼叫,但不使用铃声和音频控制器。电路L1包括一个转换器TX,用于确定所需的输出结的位置和要发送的路由数字。中继线控制器TRC不会立即切换,因为这将释放寄存器,并且可能还有其他数字要发送。中继控制器改为等到下一个叉指间停顿结束,发出接收到的数字后,将其自己的身份发送给寄存器,然后寄存器将自身从连接中分离出来,直到接收到完整的数字配额。现在,知道中继线控制器身份的寄存器可以与它重新关联,以传递其余的数字。更改号码的呼叫。-转换器可以包含一些装置,通过这些装置可以在不更改用户目录号码的情况下更改用户线路或线路连接器的位置。 PBX线路。-转换器TX也可以识别PBX号码,并且在获得所有PBX线路的忙/闲条件的情况下,可以选择一条空闲线路,并相应地通知路由选择器。但是,会向控制器发送一个特殊信号,以确保在建立过程中,所指示的PBX线路同时变得繁忙时,不会发送忙音,并且寄存器将再次尝试建立对另一条PBX线路的呼叫。提供了详细的电路,选择器是电动机控制的单选器,控制设备是高速电子装置。在一种变型中,对部分的选择在线路端子处进行,每条线连接至交叉点设备,例如具有通向不同部分的出口的交叉开关。在另一实施例中,这些部分由T.D.M.系统中,每条线都可以连接到多个T.D.M.高速公路。参考规格989,338、989,339和989,340。


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