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Apparatus for Indicating, Recording and Predicting Local and Distant Thunderstorms



1,175,518. Counters. H. J. FISCHER, and W. SCHMIDT. 14 Dec., 1966 [15 Dec., 1965; 17 Oct., 1966], No. 55994/66. Heading G4D. [Also in Division G1] In an apparatus for indicating and recording lightning strikes a rotatably mounted tuned ferrite antenna A detects signals from the strikes in the frequency ranges 0À5-10 Kc/s. and 1-10 Mc/s. and passes them via a selective amplifier V to a rectifier GL. This produces D.C. impulses, each corresponding to a lightning strike. To determine the average intensity of the strikes the impulses are integrated by a first resistor-capacitor circuit RICI, RISP1/SPCISP1/SP, the average being taken over the period determined by the time constant of the circuit (5-60 mins.). The intensity is indicated by the meter JI in series with resistor R 1 SP11/SP across the capacitor C 1 SP1/SP. To count the lightning strikes, the impulses are used to energize relay Re 1 , whose contacts r 1 change to enable the capacitor C 2 to charge from the battery B. When the relay is released, the contacts change back so that C 2 discharges to the much larger capacitor C 2 SP1/SP. The voltage across this is measured by meter J 2 in series with resistor R 2 SP11/SP, to represent the number of strikes. To measure the time for which the strikes occur the output from the rectifier GL is used to trigger a thyristor Th. While this is conducting, a capacitor C 3 is charged from the battery ZI. The charge acquired by C 3 is then determined by the meter J 3 , in series with resistor R 3 SP11/SP to indicate the time. The centre of the thunder-storm is located by adjusting the antenna. Instead of using the capacitive circuits referred to above for counting the strikes, the impulses from the rectifier may be supplied to heat a winding (HW) in an insulated enclosure coupled by a mercury filled capillary to a second enclosure maintained at ambient temperature. The movement of the mercury indicates the number of input pulses. Alternatively a stepping motor may be used to count the strikes (Figs. 3 and 4, not shown). The output indicators associated with the system may have special scales so marked and expanded as to warn of the increasing intensity, and thus the nearness, of the lightning strikes. The indicators may co-operate with a barograph to provide marks on the record thereof representing the lightning strikes as they occur.
机译:1,175,518。柜台。 H. J. FISCHER和W. SCHMIDT。 1966年12月14日[1965年12月15日; 1966年10月17日],第55994/66号。标题G4D。 [也在G1分部中]在用于指示和记录雷击的设备中,可旋转地安装的调谐铁氧体天线A检测到来自雷击的信号的频率范围为0‑5-10 Kc / s。和1-10 Mc / s。并将它们通过选择放大器V传递到整流器GL。这会产生直流脉冲,每个脉冲对应于雷击。为了确定冲击的平均强度,脉冲由第一电阻器-电容器电路RICI RI 1 CI 1 积分,该平均值是由电路的时间常数(5-60分钟)。强度由在电容器C 1 1 两端与电阻器R 1 11 串联的仪表JI指示。为了计算雷击,脉冲用于为继电器Re 1供电,继电器Re 1的触点r 1改变以使电容器C 2从电池B充电。释放继电器时,触点变回,使得C 2放电至更大的电容器C 2 1 。两端的电压由电表J 2与电阻R 2 11 串联测量,以表示触击次数。为了测量触击发生的时间,使用整流器GL的输出来触发晶闸管Th。在此期间,电容器C 3从电池ZI充电。然后,由电表J 3确定C 3所获取的电荷,并与电阻R 3 11 串联以指示时间。通过调节天线来定位雷暴的中心。代替使用上面提到的电容电路来计算行程,可以提供来自整流器的脉冲,以加热绝缘罩壳中的绕组(HW),该绝缘罩壳由充满汞的毛细管耦合到保持在环境温度下的第二罩壳。汞的运动表明输入脉冲的数量。可替代地,可以使用步进马达来计算行程(图3和图4,未示出)。与系统相关联的输出指示器可以具有特殊的刻度,以进行标记和扩展,以警告雷击的强度增加,进而警告雷击的临近性。指示器可以与气压计配合以在其记录上提供表示雷击发生的标记。



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