

1,235,295. Cathode-ray tube displays. TELEFUNKEN PATENTVERWERTUNGS G.m.b.H. 3 Sept., 1968 [2 Sept., 1967], No. 41797/68. Heading H4T. In an arrangement for producing Alpha- Numeric characters on the screen of a cathoderay tube by deflecting the beam between selected points on a point matrix individual deflection control elements are provided for the X and Y co-ordinates of each point in the matrix the elements appertaining to the points in a character to be traced being rendered effective in succession in a constant order by means which " scans " all the elements in the same order but selectively " skips " elements not appertaining to points in the character. The characters are produced in a matrix comprising vertical rows of 5, 3, 5, 3, 5 points (Fig. 1a) the deflection control elements appertaining to which are " scanned " in a sequence commencing at the point P/A20 and in an order such that for any one character successive points designated either A or B have increasing numerical values. Some of the points have two or more references, e.g. B3, B11; A6, B18; B10, A12, A18 and identify points which, in the production of a character are impinged more than once by the electron beam. Thus in tracing the numeral " 3 " (Fig. 1b the beam, which is first directed to point P/A20 (the starting matrix point for all characters) by auxiliary character positioning means (not shown) is then directed in sequence from point A1, A16 to the other points shown in full black in ascending numerical order, the " empty " " circles indicating points not used for this character and the points A1, A16 and B10, B12 being impinged twice during the tracing operation. During this tracing the beam is blanked during the steps between points A2 and A4 and between A11 and B10, A12. The sequence of steps for tracing the letter " E " are shown in Fig.1c. Each character is specified by a six-unit binary code which sets six bi-stable triggers (not shown) and the outputs of which E1, E1SP1/SP; E2, E2SP1/SP &c. (Fig. 2a) are applied to the base electrodes of transistor pairs T11, T11SP1/SP; T21, T21SP1/SP &c. The first five of the latter pairs are connected via further transistor pairs T12, T12SP1/SP; T22, T22SP1/SP to matrix rows S1, S1SP1/SP; S2, S2SP1/SP &c. which are connected via diodes D1, D2 &c. to a plurality (only one shown) of column lines B(0, 32) connected to the base electrodes of individual pairs of transistors (only one pair shown) T(0), T(32). The latter pairs of transis. tors are controlled by the output of the transistor pair T61, T61SP1/SP and the arrangement operates such that, depending on the digital inputs to the latter pair, a significant output is obtained on either line Z(0) or line Z(32). Thus the number of column lines required is equal to half the number of characters to be selected. The various output lines Z(0), Z(32) are connected to the appropriate rows of a character generator ZAM, Fig. 2b, having column lines A1, B1, C1; A2, B2, C2 &c. connected at cross-points to the rows by means of diodes (indicated by oblique dashes). The various characters are indicated at the left of the row with which they are associated and the outputs on the triplets A1, B1, C1 &c. represent the deflection magnitudes and the beam bright-up requirement for such step (up to a maximum of twenty steps) in the tracing of the characters the steps being in ascending numerical order. ' The deflection magnitudes A, B are fed to respective NAND gates U1 U2 ... U20 (only five shown), Fig. 3, which are so connected via further NAND gates N1, N2 ... N20 and the stages K1,K2...K20 (only five shown) of a shift counter (controlled by two preliminary stages VK1, VK1 supplied with a start signal ST and clock stepping pulses from a timing generator TG) that the shift signals which each stage of the counter normally supplies to the succeeding stage are caused to " skip " over those stages the associated A1,B1 &c. input to which is not significant i.e. does not represent a matrix point to be impinged by the beam. The outputs of the various counter stages are then supplied to pairs of NAND gates U11, U12; U21, U22 &c. having, as second inputs, the deflection magnitudes A1, B1, A2, B2, &c. and the outputs of which are supplied via pairs of resistors W111, W112,W211,W221, weighted respectively in accordance with the X and Y deflection magnitudes, to the X and Y deflection summing amplifiers SVx and SVy respectively. For the blanking of unrequired trace portions the C outputs of the character generator ZAM are combined as shown in Fig. 4 via AND gates UH, NOR gates NH and a NAND gate NEH the output of which is supplied to the beam intensity control electrode. The character generator ZAM (which is incompletely shown) provides outputs for the tracing of both upper and lower case characters and provides, via a column line t, an input to a trigger Kt (Fig. 3) which supplies a deflection quantity to the Y summing amplifier SVy via a resistor Wt to shift the vertical position of the character so that characters with sub-scripts comprising other characters may be traced. Also, by injecting a deflection quantity proportional to the Y deflection into the X deflection the characters may be produced in italics. Figs. 5a and 5b show the X and Y deflection steps respectively and Fig. 5e the beam blanking requirements for tracing the numeral " 3 " of Fig. 1b These result in the production of the numeral as a series of bright points (the black dots of Fig. 1b but by connecting low-pass filters between the outputs of the summing amplifiers and the X and Y deflection circuits the step waveforms may be connected to the form shown in broken lines so that the lines connecting the bright points are produced as visible traces.
机译:1,235,295。阴极射线管显示器。 TELEFUNKEN PATENTVERWERTUNGS G.m.b.H. 1968年9月3日[1967年9月2日],编号41797/68。标题H4T。在通过使光束在点矩阵上的选定点之间偏转而在阴极射线管的屏幕上产生字母数字字符的布置中,为矩阵中每个点的X和Y坐标提供了单独的偏转控制元素。通过以相同顺序“扫描”所有元素但有选择地“跳过”不属于该字符点的元素,以恒定的顺序使要跟踪的字符中的点连续生效。字符产生于一个矩阵中,该矩阵包括5、3、5、3、5点的垂直行(图1a),与之对应的偏转控制元素以从P / A20点开始的顺序“扫描”。对于任何一个字符,以A或B表示的连续点具有递增的数值。有些要点有两个或多个参考,例如B3,B11; A6,B18; B10,A12,A18并标识在产生字符时被电子束多次撞击的点。因此,在追踪数字“ 3”(图1b)时,首先由辅助字符定位装置(未显示)将光束首先指向点P / A20(所有字符的起始矩阵点),然后从点A1依次引导,A16到其他全黑点(按升序排列),“空”圆圈表示该字符未使用的点,并且在跟踪操作期间两次冲击了点A1,A16和B10,B12。在点A2和A4之间以及在A11和B10,A12之间的步骤中,光束被消隐。追踪字母“ E”的步骤顺序如图1c所示。每个字符由六单元二进制代码指定六个双稳态触发器(未显示),其输出E1,E1 1 ; E2,E2 1 &c。(图2a)的输出施加到基极T11,T11 1 ; T21,T21 1 &c。中的前五个通过另外的晶体管对连接T12,T12 1 ; T22,T22 1 到矩阵行S1,S1 1 ; S2,S2 1 &c。通过二极管D1,D2&c连接。连接到连接到各对晶体管(仅示出一对)T(0),T(32)的基极的多条(仅示出一个)列线B(0、32)。后者是transis。扭矩由晶体管对T61,T61 1 的输出控制,并且该装置的工作方式是,根据后一对晶体管的数字输入,可以在Z(0)线上获得显着的输出或Z(32)行。因此,所需的列线数等于要选择的字符数的一半。各种输出线Z(0),Z(32)连接到具有列线A1,B1,C1的图2b的字符发生器ZAM的适当行; A2,B2,C2和c。通过二极管在交叉点处连接到行(用斜虚线表示)。各种字符显示在与其关联的行的左侧,三元组A1,B1,C1和c的输出。代表在跟踪字符的过程中,此步长(最多20个步长)的偏转幅度和光束照亮要求,步长按数字升序排列。偏转量A,B被馈送到图3中的各个与非门U1,U2 ... U20(仅示出了五个),它们经由另外的与非门N1,N2 ... N20以及级K1,K2连接。 ...移位计数器的K20(仅显示五个)(由两个初始级VK1,VK1控制,分别提供启动信号ST和来自定时发生器TG的时钟步进脉冲)计数器的每一级通常提供的移位信号使后续阶段的“ A”,“ B1”和“ c”“跳过”。不重要的输入,即不代表要被光束撞击的矩阵点。然后将各个计数器级的输出提供给成对的NAND门U11,U12; U1,U12对。 U21,U22和c。具有作为第二输入的偏转量A1,B1,A2,B2,&c。其输出分别通过分别根据X和Y偏转量加权的电阻对W111,W112,W211,W221提供给X和Y偏转求和放大器SVx和SVy。为了消隐不需要的迹线部分,如图4所示,经由“与”门UH,“或非”门NH和“与非”门NEH组合字符产生器ZAM的C输出,其输出被提供给束强度控制电极。字符生成器ZAM(未完整显示)为跟踪大写和小写字符提供输出,并通过列t然后,输入到触发器Kt(图3)的输入,该触发器经由电阻Wt将偏转量提供给Y求和放大器SVy,以改变字符的垂直位置,从而可以追踪具有包括其他字符的下标的字符。此外,通过将与Y偏转成比例的偏转量注入X偏转,可以用斜体显示字符。无花果图5a和5b分别示出了X和Y偏转步骤,图5e示出了跟踪图1b的数字“ 3”的光束消隐要求。这导致数字产生为一系列亮点(图5中的黑点)。在图1b中,但是通过在求和放大器的输出与X和Y偏转电路之间连接低通滤波器,可以将步进波形连接到以虚线示出的形式,从而产生连接亮点的线作为可见迹线。


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