首页> 外国专利> Continuous solvent extraction and filtration - in revolving inclined drum pref with contraflow

Continuous solvent extraction and filtration - in revolving inclined drum pref with contraflow



In a method of continuously extracting and filtering solid and opt. liquid constituents from a mixture such as a slurry or mash, the mixture is introduced to the higher end of a revolving, pref. generally cylindrical drum with an inclined axis and, progressing down the drum, passes through alternating filtering and solvent-receiving zones; a selective solvent which extracts certain of the constituents of the mixture is fed into the solvent-receiving zones and the liquid contg. the dissolved constituents is drained from the drum, the remaining material from which these constituents have been extracted leaving at the lower end of the drum. The prefd. appts. comprises a drum with solvent-receiving zones of relatively large diameter, alternating with filtering zones of smaller diameter having a perforated drum wall. Soln. from the sump at each stage is fed as solvent to the next stage higher up the drum.
机译:一种连续提取和过滤固体的方法。来自混合物(例如浆液或状物)的液体成分,将混合物引入旋转预料的高端。通常为具有倾斜轴线的圆柱形鼓,并沿着该鼓向下行进,经过交替的过滤和溶剂接收区;提取混合物中某些成分的选择性溶剂被送入溶剂接收区和液体容器中。溶解的成分从转鼓中排出,剩余的提取这些成分的材料留在转鼓的下端。偏好。 Appts。包括具有直径较大的溶剂接收区的鼓,与具有穿孔的鼓壁的较小直径的过滤区交替。索恩每个阶段的集水槽中的残留物作为溶剂进料到滚筒上方的下一阶段。



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