首页> 外国专利> Surge voltage generator with capacitors charged via resistors - using transformer coupled to spark gap cascade and with selectable output tappings

Surge voltage generator with capacitors charged via resistors - using transformer coupled to spark gap cascade and with selectable output tappings



The surge voltage generator produces voltage pulses whose amplitudes can be altered to suit different applications but whose pulse energy remains constant despite the changes in amplitude. A transformer has its primary tappings coupled to a bank of capacitors, forming a series cascade with spark gaps and charged from a high voltage source, e.g. 8 kV, overcharging resistors. The transformer secondary winding has several output tappings. The selectively tapped transformer enables a large range of pulse amplitudes with constant energy to be selected. The energy can be altered by altering the widths of the spark gaps. This arrangement permits wide division of the tapped surge voltages.
机译:浪涌电压发生器产生电压脉冲,其振幅可以改变以适应不同的应用,但是尽管振幅发生变化,但脉冲能量仍保持恒定。变压器的初级抽头耦合到一组电容器,形成带有火花隙的串联级联,并由高压电源(例如高压电源)充电。 8 kV,过充电电阻。变压器次级绕组具有多个输出抽头。选择性抽头的变压器可以选择具有恒定能量的大范围的脉冲幅度。可以通过改变火花隙的宽度来改变能量。这种布置允许抽头浪涌电压的广泛划分。



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